Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Alpha Session March 14 2020

Mar 14, 2020

Alpha Sessions – How Does God Guide Us?  Who is the Holy Spirit?  What Does the Holy Spirit Do?  How Can I Be filled with the Holy Spirit?  Prayer for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

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Alpha Session March 11 2020

Mar 11, 2020

Alpha Session – Why and How Do I Read the Bible?

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Alpha Session March 4 2020

Mar 04, 2020

Alpha Session – Why and How Do I Pray?

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Training session with Alpha hosts and helpers Feb 29 2020

Feb 29, 2020

Prophecy:  “My power is among you.”  And the hydro power came back on in the building.

Prophecy:  “Come, my people, come.  Come hear what I have to say.  I’m giving you a new insight.  I’m blessing you.” 

Prophecy:  “I have called you here, all of you.  I’ve called you by name to come together because I have work for you to do.  So, put your trust in me, walk with me and listen.”

Prophecy:  “Come, come, listen.  Come, think about what I have to say.  I’m reaching deep into your hearts now to prepare you for what I have.”

Prophecy:  In reference to the lights coming on, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”


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Alpha Session Feb 19 2020

Feb 19, 2020

Alpha Session – How Can I Have Faith?

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Alpha Session Feb 12 2020

Feb 12, 2020

Alpha Session – Why Did Jesus Die?

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Alpha Session Feb 5 2020

Feb 05, 2020

Alpha Session – Who Is Jesus?  Poonam also shared that, last Wednesday, after prayer she was healed of a backache she has had for weeks.

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Alpha Session Jan 29 2020

Jan 29, 2020

Alpha Session – Is There More To Life Than This?

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Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings Jan 22 2020

Jan 22, 2020

Vision/Prophecy:  “On the theme of praise and worship from last week, I had this vision that there is this mighty sword, big, huge silver sword, just glowing, radiating light.  The sword was struck into the ground and there was darkness all around the ground.  The more we praised and worshipped the Lord, the greater the beams emanating from the sword became.  The Lord is telling me that Satan is defeated by your praise and worship, that his powers are dispersed , that he is helpless to fight against it.”

Prophecy:  “I love to hear your praise.  I love to your praise.  My heart rejoices and sings with you in praise.  I love to hear your praise.”

Prophecy:  “You are strangers no more.  I call you my friends, my beautiful children.”

Prophecy:  “Do not be afraid to approach me, dear child, for not one second have I turned away from you, for not one second have I stopped walking with you,...

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Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings Jan 15 2020

Jan 15, 2020

PLEASE NOTE:  The recorder was not working so the following prophetic words, etc., were taken from someone’s notes.

 “Tell them I love them.  I desire their praises each day, all day.”

For it is fitting to praise the Lord in your working and in your rest and in your sleep.  Praise and worship the Lord.

When we aren’t praising and worshipping, arrows are able to penetrate us.  We cannot fight what is coming against us unless we worship and praise the Lord.  We need to be in the Word, immersed in the word and we need to know who Jesus is.  As we praise and worship, the Lord will reveal himself to us.

“You are the apple of my eye, a beautiful apple.  You are so beautiful to me.”

Vision:  Thick cloud coming down and covering us and fire was around the cloud.  Interpretation:  As long as we worship, we are sheltered from the evil around.

“Yes, praise me, worship me, adore me.  Keep on...

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