Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings at Live Stream Jan 27, 2021

Jan 28, 2021

Scripture Reading at beginning of meeting John 8:12 - "I am the light of the world, says the Lord. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life."

Vision/Prophecy - I saw a sunset on a road but all around the sunset and on the road it was very dark.  It was a very dark night but there was a beautiful sunset at the end and I saw this highway and I heard the Lord say, "I have chosen you, my child, I have chosen all of you, you must go out and bear fruit.  good fruits that are of me, of my truth."  And then I saw a path that was lit with the Lord's light and I heard, "My way and my truth will bring peace, my peace."  And I heard, "My glory is upon you."  

During that last praise song, "Bless the Lord, O my soul", I just felt that we were joining with the angels and saints in heaven before the throne of God.  And this is really strange, but, Richard, I thought our grandmother was singing with us, Grandma Puchniak.  I've never experienced this before, but I thought she was singing with us.

Confirmation/Prophecy - I also felt that the Lord was just sharing that he almost wanted to, with the singing of the last song, it was almost like he wanted to combine his heart with ours.  And these are the words that I got from him, "My children, I love you and my heart is full of happiness with your praises and your worship.  I wish to bless you all with joy and faith tonight.  I love you, I love you, I love you."

Vision/Scripture Reading - When we were singing, "No more crying now, we are going to see the King", what came to me was offering up our temporary sufferings to God.  It would be like a beautiful smelling incense rising up being offered to our Father in heaven.  And I also got an image during one of the later songs, people bending their knee to Jesus and the Scripture was, "For it is written, as I live says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall give praise to God."

Vision/Prophecy - I kept getting the same image over and over again and the image is God's Word.  God is asking us very clearly that we are to eat his word.  We need to memorize his word.  We need to be ready for the battle.  The way we're going to; the way the Lord is going to win the battle is through us proclaiming his word and that doesn't mean we go in the streets and start preaching the word, but we need to be ready so that when that time comes, we'll be able to use his word.

It's actually just a thought that crossed my mind and that it's pretty incredible that we can sing at this prayer meeting because even when we're allowed to go to church, they say you have to wear your mask and not sing.  But here we can sing and somebody had said about, you know, singing was so powerful and it reminds me of that where the walls of Jericho fell down when the trumpets were blasting.  But I think that we can blast our way through with our singing.

It's something in the notes that I find so - "Spending time with the Lord consistently over the years, it's in doing that, spending time with the Lord, that we become like the Lord.  Everyone is called to union with God.  If we want it, we have to seek it."  So, I like that.  It's not just that we ask, we have to spend the time doing that, to getting close to him and he will get close to us.

Scripture Reading John - "What has come into being in Jesus was life, life that was the light of men and light shines in darkness and darkness could not overpower it."  I sort of feel that's who we are.  We're the light that's trying to shine in the midst of this pandemic and darkness will not overcome us because we're on God's side. 

Prophecy - The word that came to me was the song with singing, "like a mighty river.  The Lord is saying, "I am the mighty river that wants to fill you.  So I need you to be open to my word, open to my joy, to my love."

Confirmation - During the praise and worship, at one point the Lord was showing me, "You're praising and worshipping and you love it and you're enjoying the Lord."  But then all of a sudden he showed me what it's like for someone who doesn't understand praise and worship and maybe isn't open to it.  And I think that was the teaching that the two ladies talked about, is that your heart has to be open to it.  You can't just say the words.  It has to really come from your heart, from within, and this is where there's that power for the Lord, and that's the praise that he wants us to do during these dark days.  And the Scripture reading from John confirms what I saw - that sunset in the darkness.  It was very black, blacker than black, but the sun was still there to ? through it. 

Confirmation/Prophecy - During the song, "Soon and very soon, we will see the King", I got a very strong sense that it will be soon and very soon that the power of Jesus Christ's healing is going to be manifested here and we are going to be instruments in utilizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit to bring about healing, where there is no more crying and no more dying. 

Richard encouraged us to go on Discover Faith website and go over past prophecies, etc., and see what ministers to our heart, write these down and during prayer time each day go over these words from the Lord.  Richard did this and has found God ministering to him through these words.


Third session on "Prayer".  Fr. Emmanuel Mansford CFR spoke on "The Life of Prayer".





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