Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT


Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group

All are welcome! 

DiscoverFaith is a Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Prayer meetings are online streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. central time. Everyone welcome to join using Microsoft Teams as a guest.

Click here to get the link to join us.

Faith, Family, and Fortitude
The Journey of a Lifetime

Authors: Richard and Natalie Jaworski

We live in a time where people seek to experience God with their hearts rather than just their minds. Each of us has a void that can only be filled by a living relationship with Jesus.

Click Here To Purchase

Read the Papal Quotes

Papal Quotes on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal

[email protected]


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