Answers to Prayer
January 8, 2025 - Marilyn thanked everyone for their prayers. Re Vincent - The tumor that was removed hadn't grown in the last number of months. She thanked God for that. And the Ukrainian Metropolitan who had Covid and pneumonia and was in the hospital for three months, was on the ventilator and hooked up to dialysis is home now. He is extremely grateful. Thank you Lord!!
November 20, 2024 - Georgina took her youngest grandchildren to church. When they were coming out, she asked if they remembered anything that struck them. The youngest grandchild said that the last time he came out of church, there is a song that stayed in his head, the Gloria. Georgina praised God for that.
November 20, 2024 - Natalie thanked God everyone for their prayers. Her shingles were gone but she had a lot of nerve pain, couldn't sleep, etc. Now it's 95% gone, just some slight skin sensitivity.
Sept 4, 2024 - Georgina: Her friend's son, Colin, who suffers from schizophrenia, is not angry anymore. This is very exciting because that was a big thing with him. Thank you, Lord, for that healing.
Sept 4, 2024 - Joe gave a praise report. Last week while volunteering at the hospital, the Lord used Joe to bring a man who had not been to confession for 50 years, to tell his confession to a chaplain who was on call. Also, there was another lady who hadn't been to confession for 20 years. Last week was a really good week for bringing people back to the Lord.
Sept 4, 2024 - Natalie praised God for answered prayer. Richard saw a Radiologist on Friday and everything was put into motion very quickly. He will receive a very low dose of radiation on the lump on his neck on Sept 19th and 20th. Thank you, Lord!
July 31, 2024 - Leslie B. has been asking us to pray for her priest a lot and she has noticed differences, and she thanks God for that.
July 31, 2024 - Monika shared that her son and fiancee got married in the church last week. She thanked the Lord for stirring their hearts and pulling them into his arms, an answer to prayer.
July 31, 2024 - Maria K. praised the Lord for changing her choir meetings from Wednesday to Tuesday, something they said would never happen. This is an answer to prayer. Now, Maria will be able to join our meetings every Wednesday.
July 31, 2024 - Rosalie can see her daughter getting closer to the Lord. She's asking for prayer a lot. Rosalie is thankful to the Lord and to all who have prayed for that.
July 31, 2024 - Maria M. shared that her grandchildren were at a bible camp. They loved it so much and want to go back next year. This was the answer for which she had been praying so hard. Thank you, Lord.
July 17, 2024 - Georgina kept asking the Lord to provide opportunities for her grandsons to want to come with her to church. And the opportunities are coming more and more often. She is very, very grateful how God is hearing these prayers.
June 26, 2024 - Debra: We prayed for a little girl who was covered with eczema and she's getting better now. Also, Debra had lifted up a man whose boat had turned over in a lake up North and he was in a hospital. They weren't sure how he was going to be. Apparently, he's doing well. Debra thanked everyone for their prayers and thank you, Lord!
June 26, 2024 - Margaret gave an update on baby Roman for whom we have prayed. He is now one year old and thriving. Praise God!
June 26, 2024 - A year ago, Richard had a nodule on his thyroid and they were concerned about it. They did a biopsy. Nothing showed up and they were going to check it in a year. I got checked and they said everything is O.K. And then last week, Richard asked for prayers for his annual heart check up, echo cardiogram. He was concerned because at first, the appointment for results was a phone call. Then, after the echo cardiogram, they asked if he would like to come in for an in-person appointment. However, the doctor said everything is just fine. The test showed that there is no change from a year ago. Praise God and thank you all for your prayers!
June 19, 2024 - Barb shared a praise report. We had prayed for Leona's Mom quite awhile ago. It's like a miracle. She doesn't need oxygen anymore to breathe which is the first time in a really long time. And the doctor was about to say, "We can't do anything for you." But he decided to try this one medication. It's really like a miracle; she is breathing so well. There was a time when they thought they were going to lose her. Thank you, Lord!
May 29, 2024 -Barbara said that her daughter was in the hospital with myocarditis, inflammation of the heart. The heart enzymes kept going up and up, shot right up to a danger zone. They thought she had all these blood clots. Barbara prayed for the enzyme levels to go back down to normal, that there be no blood clots. The next day, the doctors were completely perplexed because it went from 800 to 100, no clots, no sign of anything. It feels like it was a a little bit of a miracle. Her daughter said that she really needed a good wake up call. The Lord is always at work! Never lose hope!
May 29, 2024 - Monika thanked everyone for their prayers for her dad who had to be taken to the hospital because his lungs and his legs were full of water. They got 5 liters of fluid out him and Monica's sister brought him back home. Monika said that God is not finished with her dad and she thanks and praises God for that. She will continue to place him in God's care.
May 22, 2024 - Leslie's nephew who had gangrene or flesh eating disease and had four operations is back home. Leslie thanked everyone for their prayers and said how good the Lord is!
May 22, 2024 - Rosalie's daughter who is going through a divorce and has had some very difficult challenges in her life, let alone recently, fell away from the church. Little by little Rosalie brought things up to her without saying too much and Rosalie lifted her up in prayer many times during our meetings. Recently, her daughter went to confession and she's been going to church just about every week. Thank you, Lord!
May 15, 2024 - Lucie thanked everyone for their prayers. The day after the conference two weeks ago, all of a sudden her mobility started changing. She had been in a lot of pain, unable to walk properly. And over the past two weeks, every day she noticed a big improvement. She is able to walk now, practically normally, and the pain is gone. She is so grateful for that. And the other answer to prayer is the blood pressure. In the past two weeks, she has had not all, but some normal readings that she hasn't had for months. It's looking really, really good. Thank you, God!
March 20, 2024 - Louise shared that the couple that have been trying to have a child - Good News - the lady is now pregnant and so we praise the Lord!
March 13, 2024 - Georgina thanked God and us for praying for her friend Colin who had been in the hospital for Covid and other complications. He is now home.
March 6, 2024 - Maria K. shared that her Aunt Cheryl's operation for ovarian cancer went very well. She's not out of the woods yet but she is home and is eating properly, etc. Thank you, Lord.
March 6, 2024 - Georgina's sister, Liba's knee replacement surgery went well. Thank you, Lord.
March 6, 2024 - Debra gave a praise report because of the snow today. As she was driving, someone rolled down their window and told her that her tire was going to fall off. Usually she goes to the hospital to be with her Mom. But because it snowed she went home. If she had gone to the hospital, it would have been a further drive and probably the tire would have come off. She praised God for saving her from an accident.
March 6, 2024 - Louise praised the Lord for the blessing her family, received 12 years ago this week when her young daughter had breast cancer and recovered fully from an invasive cancer.
February 28, 2024 - We had prayed for Joe's grandson to get a job. He got a job and then he got a better job. Thank you, Lord.
February 21, 2024 - David shared that his Dad's, Richard's, nose bleeds have stopped. We thank everyone for their prayers and thank you Lord.
January 31, 2024 - Georgina had a praise report about Ray and Alice. Ray is in a care home and he likes it. And Alice is in assisted living. They have sold their condominium. Alice has been waiting for a kidney transplant. Her bloodwork is better. She used to have to go every month for bloodwork. Now it's been reduced to every three months. Thank you, Lord!
January 24, 2024 - Georgina: We had prayed for Colin who was to have surgery on a mass on his neck. The mass came out without being attached to anything and he did not have any pain afterwards. Praise God.
January 24, 2024 - Margaret: Jason who had been in ICU is now at home. We had also prayed for Charleen who had been in ICU. She is out of ICU and heading for rehab. Thank you, Lord!
January 24, 2024 - Maria M's son, Robert had his knee surgery. They were able to repair his meniscus and ACL. The doctor said that the surgery went well. Thank you, Lord.
January 3, 2024 - Barb thanked everyone for their prayers for her husband. His test results came back clear, no cancer. Thank you, Lord!
January 3, 2024 - Natalie - Last Wednesday, we prayed for Brenda's granddaughter whose boyfriend had committed suicide a month or so ago. The granddaughter went into depression: stayed in bed, and was now thinking of suicide. Brenda phoned on the weekend and said it was a miracle. Her granddaughter woke up one morning after Wednesday full of energy, worked all day in her place, took care of her children, and she said that she was "happy". The Lord had set her free. Thank you, Jesus!!
December 27, 2023 - Georgina - A year ago we prayed for Manushka who was going for a heart transplant. Her husband says that it has been a miraculous healing. Thank you, Jesus!
December 27, 2023 - Maria K: While driving back from Brandon, her engine light came on and it started sounding very rough. She made it to Winnipeg. Her daughter checked her oil and it was completely dry. Maria prayed over her car and asked the Lord it would be healed and that it would not cost her too much money. Her mechanic fixed it for only $120.00. It was a tiny piece that had let the oil drip out. She was praising the Lord all day! She said even in small things like that, God is so good.
December 20, 2023 - Joe looks at this as a Christmas gift from the Lord: Answered prayers as regard to members of his family who have not been going to church. There have been some moves in that direction. Joe had invited one of their son-in-laws to a Catholic men's breakfast. Joe's attitude was that the most he can say is no, which he has said before. But this time, Joe got the shock of his life when he gave a yes. He really enjoyed the breakfast and wants to go to the next one and invite two of his sons. Thank you, Jesus! The other one is Joe's granddaughter who has started going back to church for the last two or three Sunday's in Advent. Last week, she met somebody whom Joe and Joan know from CCO. They are connecting in a very positive way. All this has been such a blessing for Joe and Joan. Thank you, Lord.
December 6, 2023 - Richard's results of his test showed no cancer. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your prayers.
December 6, 2023 - David - his spiritual brother, Todd, had polyps that they were concerned about. He just got the report back and they said, "Don't worry. We'll see you in ten years. You're fine. There's nothing wrong." That was a huge answer to prayer. Thank you, Lord.
December 6, 2023 - Rosalie has been asking for prayers for energy. She had a flu of some kind. Once she got over it, all of a sudden she has energy to accomplish a lot. She said, "That's a miracle."
Rosalie also said that their middle son, Craig and his wife, Claire, had been expecting a baby but unfortunately the baby did not make it. But they just found out that they are expecting again. Everything is looking good this time. Thank you, Lord. Rosalie asked for continued prayers that they will have a healthy baby in June.
December 6, 2023 - Lynn wanted to give a thanksgiving. She has had trouble with the medication for a colonoscopy. Last week we prayed that it would go better this time. The medication went down very easy. She did not get sick from it. She thanked everyone for our prayers.
December 6, 2023 -Monika said that Cam is continuously doing well after his heart surgery. Praise God! She thanked everyone for the prayers.
December 6, 2023 - Margaret thanked everyone for their prayers for her great great nephew, Roman, the baby that had heart surgery on day 5, again in two months. He's now 5 months old and so far, so good. He still needs open heart but things are looking good. Thank God for that!
November 29, 2023 - Maria M's son has been looking two years to find a home. Found a home and sold his home within a week. And not only that, the house that he bought came under list and his house sold for over list. Praise the Lord!
November 8, 2023 - Further to last week's testimony of Mark's healing, he said that he had prayed that the increase to 5 mg of LBN would work, and it's working. He also has decreased his prednisone further and there is no pain. Coming off the prednisone, he should be in rough shape. He's had 2 days where he's walking around like he's 20 years old. Mark said that God heals through medication because he prayed to God, if it's his will, that the medication would work effectively. Mark said that all good blessings come from the Lord! It's working!
November 8, 2023 - Martha said that last week some people prayed for her online and she's much better. She has also been praying the Spiritual Warfare prayer, a powerful prayer. Things are still not O.K., but they are much better. Thank you, Lord.
November 8, 2023 - Georgina had a praise report. Her sister had chemotherapy for her lung cancer. She had tests and all the tests came clear. Thank you, Lord!
November 8, 2023 - Charleen shared a word that she heard at the beginning of macular degeneration episode. The Lord said, "Why would I give you a scorpion when you ask for an egg?" She had asked him to preserve her vision. She's gone from not being able to see hardly anything at all; now she can almost read. She could see all of us clearly. She knows that her prayer group is praying constantly; and the online group's prayers as well. Charleen said that our God is not a liar. He listens to us; he wants us well, and if you ask him, he will answer. She is 7 months in and her eye is still changing in tiny, tiny increments, but monthly. Every month she notices a new difference. She encouraged us to have faith and believe him. Dr. Gimbel, an eye surgeon in Calgary has incredible faith. He said, "If you ask God, he will do it." Charleen agrees because she has seen many answers to prayer through her prayer group.
November 8, 2023 - Patricia has a lot of pain due to sciatica down her right leg. Yesterday, she had so much pain that she had to leave the shopping centre. She prayed and she stood on the Word, "By his stripes, I am healed." Today, she got up and there has been no pain. She praised the Lord for that.
November 1, 2023 - Mark started to wean off his prednisone and he kept expecting his symptoms to show up each morning and they're not showing up. He got prayed over twice - two different prayer teams, a couple of months ago and then just last week. All day today, he was waiting to take some Tylenol but he didn't have to take anything today. He knows the symptoms he should be having but he's not having them. He still has residual muscle pain from chronic pain for so many years. He's going to keep us posted and he hopes to have further news next Wednesday. Thanks be to God! Later in the meeting, Mark added that he was eating supper tonight and he hadn't had TMJ in his jaw for a very long time. He put his hand on his hand on his jaw and said something like, "Be healed by the blood of Christ," and he kept on eating. He forgot about it until just now that he had done that. Secondly, after Joe spoke, the residual muscle pain is gone - not completely but it's better than five minutes ago. Praise the Lord!
November 1, 2023 - Giovanna had asked for prayer for her sister-in-law, Lydia, because they didn't know what was going on with her. All of a sudden, she seems to be healed of a lot of her things that were going on with her. She doesn't feel dizzy anymore, she's off some medication. She's feeling really energetic and she's able to function and work, hasn't used her walker in a long time. Praise God.
October 18, 2023 - Last Wednesday, we prayed that either the Lord would heal Lucie or get her to see the surgeon because the waiting list wasn't until next June. Friday, Lucie left a message to put her on a cancellation list. She got a call Monday morning and saw the surgeon this morning. The Lord answered that prayer very quickly. Thank you, Lord! She is now on a waiting list for surgery.
October 4, 2023 - September last year, Elizabeth had asked for prayers for a little baby. She had problems with breathing, with her lungs and she was flown to a place for an operation. Last week, Elizabeth received a message to say thank you to the prayer group because she doesn't need any operations. She had an appointment but the respiratory doctor cancelled it. 3 or 4 appointments were cancelled before. Her lungs are now working not a 100% but they are really improving. This has surely been a miracle.
October 4, 2023 - Leslie J gave thanks that her brother, Anthony is cancer free after 3 years. And her sister, Beryl, received positive results from her doctor today re the normal function of her organ. Thank you, Lord.
September 27, 2023 -Giovanna shared that her husband had to go for another CT scan and while he was on the table, they were turning down his pacer from 70 to 60. All of sudden they asked him how he was feeling. He was feeling fine. His own heart had actually bumped it from 60 to 70. So, his pacer has been off now for three days and his heart has been functioning on its own. Huge praise report. Giovanna said it's a miracle that his heart is restoring itself.
September 27, 2023 - Sharen gave thanks to the Lord for her mother-in-law's improved health and her ability to make her own decisions as to what activities and treatments she's going to do. Sharen is grateful that her mind is good enough to do that.
Sept. 13, 2023 - Helen's nephew's, Jerry's, knee surgery went well on Monday. Thank you, Lord.
Sept. 13, 2023 - Some time ago, Leslie B asked prayers for her friend who had a mass in his stomach, plus other problems. The doctor said the mass has disappeared and a number of the other things have become much less. Thank you, Lord.
Sept 13, 2023 - Leslie's friend, Shaun, in Winnipeg had cancer and we prayed for him also. Leslie was notified today that there is no cancer at all. Praise God!
September 6, 2023 - Pat L. shared that she had people pray for her hand that was broken in three places. The physiotherapist could not get over the fact that the swelling is down, Pat can move her fingers more than she ever thought Pat could at this time and it's doing well. Also, there's a healing of her sodium level. It's normal now. Praise God!
September 6, 2023 - Patt shared that her husband's visit with their daughter-in-law who is seeking divorce and their grandchildren went fabulously and he was given a beautiful note at the end of the visit. Thank you, Lord!
September 6, 2023 - Lucie praised God for an answer to prayer. She had asked for prayers for her son, that he would make the decision to go to a hospital. By midnight, Lucie and Frank had him at the hospital and he didn't run away. He was admitted and he stayed one week in detox. He was stabilized. It gave him opportunity to reflect on his future. Most of all it gave him hope. A few weeks prior, he had been told that his physical condition had advanced with not much time to live; and his cat was lost. The day after he was admitted, the cat was found. That news lifted him up. Also, the hospital took an ultrasound and they found that he was better, not cured, but better! That gave him a boost of hope for the future. Then he got a bed at a treatment program at the end of September for 7 weeks. He needs to stay sober for two more weeks to remain in this program.
August 2, 2023 - We have been praying for Adam to be able to have surgery on his broken collar bone. He has had the surgery and is now at home recovering. Thank you, Lord.
August 2, 2023 - Leslie shared that her second cataract surgery was successful. Thank you, Lord. And her sister in England has had medical concerns since she was 8 years old. Recently, there was a concern which might have necessitated surgery. But today, a specialist told her that she will only be monitored every 6 months. She said that she was sure that it was the Holy Spirit speaking and guiding the doctor. Her spirits have been lifted. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
August 2, 2023 - Monika - Re her daughter's lymphoma - the PETscan came back clear. Thanks and praise to God and thank you everyone for praying.
July 26, 2023 - Margaret has been asking for prayers for her friend, Therese. She is in Riverview Palliative Care. Monseigneur Delaquis came and anointed her. She got better and is coming home next week. They can't understand why she got better. Thank you, Lord!
July 26, 2023 - Georgina's dear friend died and her funeral is in The Pas on Friday. She tried different ways to get there but nothing worked. She just surrendered it to God. Her daughters didn't like the idea that she couldn't go to her close friend's funeral. So, her daughter is driving from The Pas to come and get her mother and drive her to the Pas for the funeral. Also, her grandson who is attending university in Winnipeg will be in The Pas and will drive Georgina back to Winnipeg. Georgina said that when there is no way, God will find a way. Thank you, Lord!
July 12, 2023 - David praised God. We've been praying for some time for David's son, that he would find a job that would bring him joy. He got the call today and this is a dream for him. He has been fascinated and interested in outer space and he's been hired by Blue Origin, the rocket company that puts people into space. He couldn't be more excited. This is an answer to prayer. David has not seen joy like that for a long time. David thanked everyone for their prayers and praised God for answering and hearing our prayers!
July 5, 2023 - Leslie shared that the cataract surgery on her right eye went very well. Her blurred vision cleared up after 3 days and now she has 20/20 vision. Thank you, Lord.
July 5, 2023 - Last week, Margaret asked for prayers for her brand new great great nephew who had heart surgery when he wasn't a week old yet. He had a successful procedure that bought him more time until the next procedure. Thank you, Lord. Everyone is grateful for the prayers. He will have to have a procedure done again and when he gets older, he will need open heart surgery.
June 28, 2023 - Joe and Joan shared the following: Last Friday, after midnight our granddaughter and her boyfriend were driving on the 401 after doing photos for a pre - wedding party. They were hit from behind by a fast moving car, rolled several times into a ditch and landed on the driver's side. The back of the car was smashed, the front was smashed and the car that hit them burst into flames! Yet they both were unharmed with only bruises and scratches !!! Our daughter, granddaughter and a policeman said it was a miracle that they got out alive ! I am convinced that the prayers we say each day for our family continue to protect them! I told our granddaughter that we pray everyday for all our family. She said : " then, it was the prayer that saved us." Yes, thank you, Lord!!!!! The driver of the car that hit them got out before his car caught fire.
May 24, 2023 - Rosalie gave praise to God and thanked us for our prayers. Her son has found a carpenter to work for him.
May 24, 2023 - Helen's niece was diagnosed in January with stage four lung cancer. The doctors are using a pill that is a match with her immune system. The tumors in her brain and liver are shrinking. Her energy has improved. Thank you, Lord. And more prayer for continued healing.
May 24, 2023 - Richard had asked for prayer for uncontrollable blood pressure. After your prayers and doctor's care, the blood pressure is perfectly normal. Also, today Richard had a check up because he had been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma awhile back; and everything is perfect. Richard thanked the Lord!
May 10, 2023 - Joan: Her friend, Lynn, who went into a retirement home last week is actually adjusting very well. Praise the Lord. This is a true miracle.
May 3, 2023 - A praise report - Mark shared that he is a skeptic of many things. When he is praying the Rosary daily, he generally imagines Revelation 12:1, Mary clothed with the sun, moon at her feet, 12 stars on her head. About 4 or 5 weeks ago, Mark started praying his Rosary and this time, he saw Mary, but this time she was holding a bouquet of roses, half white and half red. He thought that this was interesting and where did this thought come from? A couple of days ago, Mark received a letter. He had forgotten that about three months ago, he had received a letter from an organization looking for donations and if you donated so much money, they took the donation to Medjugorje and presented it to Our Lady. They would present roses at the foot of Mary. The letter that he had just received reminded him that he had given that donation. Mark put the two together. His response, "Wow."....... The Blessed Mother was showing Mark she received his roses.
May 3, 2023 - Helen reported that her knee surgery went very well and her recovery is continuing well, too. She thanked everyone for all the prayers.
April 12, 2023 - Barbara thanked everyone for their prayers for her mother. She is doing well and might even be able to go home Thursday. Her surgery went well. Barbara could tell that the Lord was really there for her.
April 12, 2023 - David, Natalie and Richard gave praise for the birth of a baby boy on Easter (Richard & Natalie's great-grandson). We had prayed for the mother and father because they wanted a child and were not able to conceive. With the help of doctors, they now have a son. We had prayed that all would go well in the pregnancy and delivery. Thank you Lord, for Walker.
April 12, 2023 - Leann thanked everyone for their prayers for her friend's nephew who had been looking at MAID or palliative care. He did go into palliative care and her friend was able to see him last week. He passed away yesterday but it was peaceful. Thank you, Lord.
April 5, 2023 - Giovanna - Her stepson was able to find a job and he's very happy. He loves it. Thank you, Lord.
April 5, 2023 - Monika thanked and praised God that she was able to get back into the country safely, that he opened doors, hearts of people.
April 5, 2023 - Richard thanked God that through the doctor his blood pressure was brought to normal.
April 5, 2023 - David gave a praise report for his granddaughter's successful tonsil surgery last week. Thank you, Lord.
March 22, 2023 - Charleen - Her brother had his 5-year scan for cancer. The family was really worried because of his pain but the scan was clear. Charleen thanked everyone for their prayers.
March 22, 2023 - Giovanna thanked everyone for praying for her niece for her hearing. She just had her doctor's appointment and everything is perfectly fine with both ears now. Thank you, Lord.
March 15, 2023 - Lucie - Her brother-in-law had refused to go to the hospital; and now his discomfort has eased and he has started to eat a little bit. Lucie takes that as God's sign of answered prayer because she believes the Lord wishes him to continue to live so that he can get her sister settled somewhere. Lucie thanked everyone for their prayers.
March 15, 2023 - Joan has been asking all of us to pray that their grandson get a job. He got a job. Joan thanked the Lord.
March 15, 2023 - Pat B had a praise report. She lost 16 pounds. She is on a diabetic medication and she is following a diabetic diet and getting online training. Thanks be to God!
March 15, 2023 - Frank shared on how the Holy Spirit worked. His brother passed away a week ago. Once the hospital staff realized that he wasn't going to make it, the family was called in. He could hear and when they mentioned his name, he kind of moaned. He was in kind of a semi-coma. He couldn't talk anymore. The priest came in to give the last rites. This priest knew him for years. Actually he was the one who officiated at his marriage. When the priest went to him and said, "George," Frank's brother's eyes opened. He had the most beautiful smile and glow on his face. He looked at the priest and said, "You came?" With his whole family there, they were able to say a real nice goodbye from each one of them. Frank really, really thanked the Holy Spirit that even in those last moments, he was able to say goodbye to his family, his children. Frank thanked the Lord that even in those last moments that he can still work a miracle. Frank's nephew said that he had the most beautiful smile that he had ever seen on him. What a beautiful memory for the family to have. Thank you Lord!!
March 15, 2023 - David thanked God for his wife's surgery a week and half ago. They had a follow-up with the surgeon yesterday and everything is fantastic. That went very well. David praised God.
March 8, 2023 - David - My wife had reconstructive surgery on her lower eyelid yesterday. She had cancer removed previously and this is the final part of the surgeries to repair her eye. David praised God for the doctors and nurses and for the good results coming out of that. We prayed for her full recovery. She has to be very careful over the next week as things heal and settle in.
March 8, 2023 - Leslie J - Two days ago her blood pressure was very high, 185, 166/97. She didn't want to go on additional medication. She prayed earnestly; she did more exercise; she looked up her diet, salt intake. And as of 4:45 today, her reading was 120/77. Thank you, Lord.
February 15, 2023 - Richard - Last week, you prayed for me because I was dizzy for two days. I was holding onto a wall actually and my blood pressure was really high. The day after you prayed, no more dizziness and my blood pressure is down to what it usually is. So, thank you so much, and thank you, Lord!
February 1, 2023 - Lucie gave thanks to the Lord for answered prayers. Lucie and Frank were all set to make arrangements to move to a residence which was their second choice because there was no chance to get into their first choice. They signed the papers but did not pay their security deposit. They also gave their notice on Friday at their present residence. On Monday morning, while they were praying, they got a phone call from a place that Lucie had put her name down five years ago. They were offered a two bedroom suite. They saw it and it has all the services that would meet their needs. They are able to stay at their present place as no one had taken the suite yet. They will be signing the papers with the third place that Lucie feels that God wanted them to have and they will be moving at the end of February. Praise the Lord!
January 25, 2023 - Lucie thanked the Lord that for the first time in a long time her son seems to be more emotionally stable.
January 25, 2023 - Monika gave thanks and praise to God for the prayers that he has been answering and for the prayers that have been said for Meghan, that she's doing as well as she's doing with her treatment.
January 25, 2023 - Giovanna's husband was finally able to find a full time job. He enjoyed his first day today and he said that he fits in great and he's really happy. So, that's a great stress relief for them! Thank you, Lord!
January 25, 2023 - Margaret thanked God. She had two friends in the hospital. They are discharging people who are waiting for nursing homes out of the city. The first friend ended up at Tache, right next door to Margaret. The person in the bed next to the second friend said that her sister had to go to Russell, a four hour drive. Margaret thanked God that the other friend is paneled and is going to Tache. Margaret said that only God can do that!
January 4, 2023 - Ridima had requested prayers at quite a few sessions for her mother who was having really bad arthritis. Since the last few weeks, she has been feeling better and she's also reduced her medication and it's all thanks to the prayers and the Lord!
December 28, 2022 - Georgina - "My sister had surgery on her heart, on the aorta, and it was successful. She is on top of, as high as she can be. She was given the surgeon who was the top doctor in the hospital. Because it is a teaching hospital, he chooses his patients and he chose her. And it's like God chose her. She is much more alive in spirit as she ever was. So, I'm praising God for that and thank you all for praying. And the other praise report is a friend of mine from Czech Republic. She's a very young woman. I think she's just 30. For about 6 years that I've been kind of journeying with her a little bit, she was having a bad heart and it was surgery after surgery. They were hoping blasting something out would help, and all kinds of things. And it was getting worse and worse and she couldn't work and she's so you know, young bride. She's just beautiful young woman. I got a message at Christmas that she had a heart transplant and that she's well, that it took well and she's home already. So, praise the Lord and thank you all for praying. We prayed for her probably a year and half, two years ago. Thank you.
December 14, 2022 - David gave an update on Will's healing. Today, he's sitting up in a neuro chair where they help him start recovery. They measure your recovery in terms of one to eight scale. He's at a three which means he can respond to basic instruction and simple commands now and he's now in therapy and regaining his skills and functions slowly but surely. Please keep praying. God has worked a miracle. Will was alone for a long time before they found him with his brain stroke and unconscious out in the field. This is a total miracle. David is grateful for all of us praying for Will and for what God has done. This is the best Christmas gift that that family could even imagine.
December 14, 2022 - Sharen's mother-in-law is stable enough to be discharged to her apartment with help. Sharen thinks it's also a miracle.
December 7, 2022 - Joan: It was a treat from the Lord last Sunday. Usually Joe and I go the nine o'clock Mass but we had company and so we went to the 11 o'clock Mass. At the end of Mass, somebody stopped and talked to both of us, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw this couple with two children. They were about 3 or 4 rows behind us. I looked at the little baby that the man was holding and I thought, "What a cute baby." As we were leaving the church, Joe was ahead of me, for some reason I stopped where this couple was sitting. I don't usually do that. I might nod and say, "Hello," but I don't usually stop and talk. I said to the man holding the baby, "That's a really cute baby. How old is he?" "He's eight months." And the mother looked at me and said, "Weren't you on a prayer team at Holy Rosary? I remember you from that church. Isn't your husband East Indian? Do you remember praying with me?" And I didn't. I didn't recognize her and I didn't remember. And so, she went on. She said, "Well, you both prayed that we would be able to conceive because we had been trying and trying and nothing, and here's the result, this baby. We went to the back of the church and shared it with Joe and he did remember them. I thought, "Thank you, Lord." What a blessing that was and it's sometimes good to hear that there are results from our prayers! So I wanted to share that to encourage everybody else. The Lord gave us a treat that day!
December 7, 2022 - David: A young man, Will, who was in ATV accident and was not discovered for some time. He was unconscious when they found him and he was in a coma. Then through a MRI, they found he had a brain stroke and he's been in a coma since. Today the doctors were working with him and they said, "Can you open your eyes?" They could tell that he was trying to open his eyes but they didn't open. Then they said, "Can you give me a thumbs up?" And he instantly went thumbs up. They went, "Oh my gosh, this is like an amazing sign for this young man. This has been a week and half now." His wife was not at the hospital when that happened and when she got to the hospital, they told her what happened, including not opening the eyes; and she felt God, on the way to the hospital, was saying, "Will has something for you when you get there." So, she went in and asked him to open his eyes and he was able to open one eye and he just stared at her and it was a moment of God's love coming through. David thanked us for our prayers and asked for continued prayers. God is working a miracle.
November 23, 2022 - Patt praised God that her daughter-in-law said that they are in a bible study which will lead to the grandchild being in catechism.
November 23, 2022 - Giovanna praised God that she and her husband were able to leave Pennsylvania. They are in Indianna right now, hoping to get their passports done December 2 and then they will be making their way to Winnipeg.
November 23, 2022 - Sharen gave thanks to God and to all of us who prayed last week. It changed Sharen's heart a bit and she was able to pray for her sister-in-law's heart to be changed in her decision-making for her mother. Sharen was able to give that up and find some peace. She also gave thanks to God that her mother-in-law went for her bone scan. She did, indeed, have a fractured femur and a fractured pelvis. She is supposed to be taken now to Concordia Hospital.
November 16, 2022 - Richard gave praise to God. His laser treatment on the second eye this week went well. Also, today was his second follow-up appointment at the cancer clinic (7 months after lymph node biopsy) and all the blood work was very good.
November 16, 2022 - Last week, we prayed for Carolyn. Maria K. said that already a miracle has happened. Carolyn is responding to her family. Her seizures have stopped. She is peaceful, joyful. Thank you, Lord! Maria has asked that we continue to pray for the healing to be completed.
November 16, 2022 - Helen had her knee surgery, and her recovery is coming very well. On her two-week check-up, the worker was very surprised that she did not experience any sharp pain. "Amazing," she said. Helen knows that was the power of prayer, for so many people were praying for her. She thanked everyone for their prayers. God is good!
November 16, 2022 - Loree mentioned a while back that his eyes were going off a little bit. He said that God does hear our prayers and he does love us so much and wants to move in our lives. He now has a report that his eyes are quite good. This is for his driver's license.
November 16, 2022 - Last week, Patt asked for prayers that her grandchildren would be allowed to go to Sunday School. Patt was excited to report that her daughter-in-law did get in touch with the Sunday School. She allowed the children to attend their first session on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. The daughter-in-law said that she will wait and see what happens. Patt could not believe this, and she thinks this is so wonderful.
November 9, 2022 - Two weeks ago, Joan asked for prayers for her great-grandson who was very congested, and his mother had just taken him to the hospital. He was not quite two months old. He was diagnosed with Covid. After Wednesday night, everything turned around. He's fine now, congestion cleared up. Joan thanked everyone for their prayers.
November 9, 2022 - Sharen gave thanks and praise to God for her mother-in-law who had requested prayers after her fall. She had severe sciatic pain and a week later now, she is starting to feel better.
November 2, 2022 -Lucie - Answered prayers for support system where an apartment in the city for her ill brother and sister-in-law was found; assisted living that can meet the medical needs of both of them. And, in one week they sold their house in the country. Also, her brother-in-law who has terminal congestive heart disease had severe pain in his side. Last Tuesday, he received the Sacrament of the Sick and the pain disappeared. A CT scan has revealed that he has a massive infection in his gall bladder. Lucie praised the Lord for the blessing, that he was delivered from that pain.
November 2, 2022 - Georgina's sister was diagnosed with lung cancer about a year ago. She needed chemo and was not doing well on it. She was losing a lot of weight. Georgina was going to ask for prayers for her peaceful death. However, someone else prayed for her healing. The sister is doing very, very well. She is walking everywhere and helping her family and she's feeling good. Georgina says that it's just a miracle. Praise the Lord for answering our prayers.
November 2, 2022 - David thanked everyone for their prayers last week for the gathering of pastors in Nashville. The gathering was very powerful with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
October 26, 2022 - David thanked God that Richard's laser treatment to take off a film from his cataract lens in the left eye was successful.
October 26, 2022 - Sr. Florence thanked everyone for their prayers for her brother who had surgery a week ago. It went A1. Perfect. He's well. He has a new heart valve and everything is going well. Thank you Lord!
October 26, 2022 - Last winter, a young priest was giving a talk and Patt stood up and she was prying her back apart. And prying is the word. It wasn't being twisted. It was pried up, pulled up. It only took about a minute to a minute and a half and it got all pried up. Then she sat down. Then the priest said, "Every time I give this talk, anybody that's got scoliosis gets healed." And Patt had scoliosis. She sits up straighter now. She is healed! Praise God!
October 12, 2022 -Maria thanked everyone for praying for her son and daughter-in-law. They had a son on Saturday. The prayers were heard because her son had to deliver the baby in his truck. The ambulance came as the baby came out. Praise the Lord, everything is fine.
October 12, 2022 - David shared that they had a tornado warning coming right at their area. He was online in a call with three other Christians and they prayed, "Lord, split the system. Let it go around us." And literally, over the next 15 minutes the red lines on the map opened up and went around us. He wanted to acknowledge that we serve a mighty God.
October 12, 2022 - Martha shared that things are working out with her son. Thank you, Lord!
August 17, 2022 - A number of months ago, we had prayed for Richard and Natalie's granddaughter to conceive. With the help of a doctor, God has granted this desire. Praise God! Now, we ask for prayers for a healthy baby or babies (it may be more than one).
August 17, 2022 - Richard shared that our printer quit working. It showed that there was a problem with the printer head. There were many suggestions on YouTube to fix this problem, which were done, but still the printer did not work. The manufacturer said that the only solution was to buy a new printer. Looking around for other printers, it was clear that this was a very good printer and on top of that, there was over a $100 worth of unused ink which could not be used on any other printer. Richard and Natalie prayed again for a solution. Before taking it to the recycle place, Richard looked again online for a solution and we think it was not by chance but by the Lord's leading that he found a different solution in a different place, which we tried. And the printer works!!! Thank you, Lord.
August 3, 2022 - Georgina - As I was planning my annual trip to The Pas to visit family and friends, I got some unpleasant news. My car needed repairs. The work order showed an amount I needed for the trip. God provided. A friend, a car mechanic in The Pas offered to do the repair for less. Another friend offered me to stay with her for a couple of nights (saving me cabin rental money). Plus parking passes were free that week. I am grateful to God for doing all this. We were able to have the family time we so wished for.
August 3, 2022 - Lori Ann - Friday, Rene fell on the steps and his hand which doesn't work so well was totally swollen. She couldn't see the doctor until Tuesday because of the long weekend. They advised us to go to emergency for all the tests. Yesterday, they were there for 91/2 hours. They got there before noon. Lori Ann said that they were blessed in that Rene did not have any pain because that arm doesn't have much feeling, and all the tests came out positive. He did not have any damage from the fall. Also, they were treated so well by the staff. But at 8:30, Lori Ann got an alarm on her phone to take cover, tornado warning in her area. So she decided she needed help and phoned for prayer. Before the prayer ended, they came into the room to take Rene for his last test, the CT scan. Thank you, Lord!
August 3, 2022 - Joan - Joan's eye has healed perfectly from the cataract operation. She thanked everyone for their prayers. Also, two weeks ago, she asked for prayer for their grandson who had mono. The next day, he was feeling better after being really sick and he's improved daily. He's back at work this week. That really is a miracle because of mono you don't recover that quickly. And also, the fatigue that comes with mono; he did not have that. Joan thanked God and everyone for their prayers.
July 27, 2022 - Before the meeting, David shared a little miracle from last week. Because many times we seem to have issues with the technology, we pray over the technology. Our meeting went off pretty well flawless last week. David learned that while we were starting our meeting, Microsoft Teams had a worldwide outage, and people could not get in from around the world. So, David thanked God that during a worldwide outage, we still had it working.
July 27, 2022 - Fr. Michael has had a lot of trouble with his voice and his throat. Because he had trouble swallowing, he's been on a pureed diet for quite a few months. His therapist just told him that there is no reason for Fr. Michael to be on a pureed diet any more because his throat looks just great. Marilyn praised God for his goodness and thanked us for our prayers.
July 27, 2022 - Last week, Maria got cut off from the prayer meeting near the end. She couldn't get back on. She started praying and the Lord put on her heart that she had to phone somebody. All of a sudden, she looked down on her desk and saw a business card of someone she knew. Maria phoned her and her friend said, "Every time there is something happening in our lives, you phone." It turns out that her husband after many years has cancer again and she was losing all hope. Maria pointed out how much God loves her; she pointed out how she was guided to phone her. Words came out of Maria's mouth that were not from her; they were from God. The friend was bawling. Maria told her that this was a love letter from the Lord to her. God you are so good and you work in such marvelous ways!!
July 27. 2022 - Teri thanked Jesus for her fall and being on the floor for three days, because it has brought to light many things that were wrong with her. During her stay in the hospital, things have been looked after and she will be going home this Friday or next week. Also, she met many people for whom she will always pray, including an addict who has developed the word, "Jesus" in her life. She had nurses dancing to her Jesus songs. Teri thanked Jesus for everything.
July 27, 2022 - Sandy & Norm had requested prayer for their grandson who was in ICU; had breathing issues, blood sugar was low. That was on Wednesday. Wednesday night his blood sugar started improving, by Thursday afternoon the blood sugar stabilized, went home Friday morning and he has not had a breathing issue since. They thanked God for the blessings, the healing he has done in his life, and for the prayers of everyone.
July 20, 2022 - Lori Ann says that it's a miracle and it's an answer to prayer. She will be having her second cataract surgery next Tuesday. She had been told that it would be months, perhaps a year or so.
July 13, 2022 - Leslie thanked God that her son was able to get an apartment in Nanaimo before the end of the month when he has to move.
July 13, 2022 - Richard gave a praise report. - That song, "Your goodness is running after, it's running after me. All my life you've been faithful," and I see over all the years all the faithfulness of God to me, like I mentioned that I had two eye surgeries in the last six weeks, cataract surgeries. I thought I was going to get a new TV because mine was so blurry. It wasn't running so good. But now, all of a sudden, that TV is bright as anything. It's beautiful. So, I thank God for those surgeries. Somebody mentioned lymphoma tonight. Almost seven years ago, I was diagnosed with lymphoma and they said that I might never have to be treated, but this Spring I had some lumps appear in my neck and they did a biopsy and they said, "Well, you got it back." They said, "We'll check every three months. We won't do anything right now. We'll watch and wait." Well, today I was at the doctor's and all my readings were excellent and he couldn't even find the lumps. That can happen, they go away and come back. But anyway, I am very grateful to God because he's really faithful. Thank you for your prayers.
June 29, 2022 - Leann shared that her son is working full time for Transat and has been reinstated as Captain again. Things have gone back to the way it was before the pandemic for him. Thank you for the prayers and thank you, Lord!
June 29, 2022 - Richard and Joan thanked everyone for their prayers. The cataract operations were successful. Thank you, Lord.
June 29, 2022 - Maria's praise report was that the CT scan showed that her pancreas and liver are healthy. They did find something else that is minor and not life threatening, and it would not have been discovered otherwise. Thank you, Jesus!
June 15, 2022 - Lori Ann thanked everyone for their prayers. The cataract surgery went very well. She is so happy to be able to see trees, the blue sky, etc. Thank you, Lord.
June 15, 2022 - Fr. Michael thanked everyone for their prayers. He underwent a procedure that injected a filler into his vocal cords and immediately he had a voice and he has no shortness of breath when he speaks. Thank you Lord!!
June 8, 2022 - Leslie shared two answers to prayer. Someone needed to buy a house and another person who wanted a job and got it. God is good!
June 1, 2022 - Lucie shared that she had COVID and lost some of her hearing. She just had a hearing test and her hearing has come back. Thank you, Lord.
June 1, 2022 - Richard thanked God that the cataract operation was so successful, that he can see clearly through that eye, that in the praise session, he was able to see the music perfectly without glasses.
May 18, 2022 - Maria's test results regarding her oesophagus came back. It's fixable. It's acid reflux. She thanks God that it's nothing worse.
May 18, 2022 - Joan shared that last Wednesday she asked for prayers for her sister-in-law's husband who suffered second and third degree burns to his face and his head, was in intensive care. Today, she got news that the breathing tube has been removed. The fever has disappeared. The infection is subsiding and he's improving in health. Yes, he has a long journey ahead of him but he's over the worst. She praises and thanks the Lord for that.
May 4, 2022 - Lori Ann shared that her son's family was coming from Saskatoon and she was trying to get everything ready and her tap which had been dripping for awhile was now running and filling an ice cream pail every five minutes with hot water. She was afraid there wouldn't be enough hot water for the family when they got here. So, she said a prayer, called a plumber. He looked at the tap and he went outside to his truck. Now, this tap is over twenty years old. He comes in and says, "Look what I found." He had the inners of this particular tap in his truck. She thanked God. " I called out and he heard me." (Psalm 138).
May 4, 2022 - Raffaelina thanked the Lord that her youngest has recovered from COVID, and that her brother has gone through the surgery. It's going to be a difficult path but the surgery was successful.
May 4, 2022 - Guillaine praised God. She got an apartment.
April 20, 2022 - Guillaine - "It's like a miracle what happened today. My WiFi stopped working last Thursday. Today it was not working. How can I not attend the prayer meeting? At 7:25, my WiFi came back. I've never seen this miracle in my life? I didn't touch it, I didn't do anything. All of a sudden my WiFi came back! Praise the Lord! Wow!"
April 20, 2022 - Rosalie shared that her son, Craig who had COVID is doing much better and he's back at work. Also, Maria shared that her husband, three sons and their families have all recovered from COVID. Also, Maria's medical issues all look positive. Thank you, Lord.
April 20, 2022 - David shared that his son, Jonathon, was frustrated with work and the pay and things, and this week, out of the blue, they gave the entire team a significant raise to deal with all the inflation and everything else. David said, "So, that we know is not out of the blue, that is 'Lord, thank you for hearing our prayer.'"
April 13, 2022 - Before the meeting tonight, we were aware of a very bad storm coming to Nashville. We prayed. At the end of the meeting, David praised God for moving the storm. The storm that was coming had been getting bigger and redder. All of a sudden, it parted and went around on both sides of where David lives. The winds were 80 miles an hour and right on the other side of their home, just two minutes away, a tornado warning had started from that point going forward. David prayed for everyone in that area, and he thanked God for showing his mighty power, how he can move a storm, he can part it, and move it in any way.
April 13, 2022 - Barb shared that the last time she was at our meeting, there was a Word of Knowledge of a certain healing that Barb claimed for someone else. She found out today, that the person was healed the next day after the meeting.
March 30, 2022 - Patt shared that she did have COVID but thank you, Lord, it was not severe and it did not last long.
March 9, 2022 - Last week, we prayed for a young lady who had trouble with a shunt. She was in the hospital. It was blocked. It dissolved and she's back home. Thank you, Lord.
March 9, 2022 - Others across the world and we had prayed for a young man, Drew, who was in a very bad motorcycle accident. He was told that he would never walk again and then he received a healing. David checked in on him to see how he's doing. They said they learned more. They talked to the police officer who wrote the report up on the scene and he said he had been an officer for 40 years. He had never seen anybody live after an accident like that. And they said they revived him 4 times; his heart stopped. Four times he technically died on the spot. The parents asked if that was rare. A nurse said on TV, it's not, but in real life the statistics of people who come back from one stoppage is 2%. Four times, it just doesn't happen. And Drew is now walking around his house without his cane, outside of his house with a cane and he's even driving again. So, God has really done a miracle! His father has asked David to pass onto us a thank you for your prayers.
January 5, 2022 - We had prayed for a lady who had a malignant tumor. The tumor has completely disappeared. She still has a tiny growth in her lymph node. She still has to go for chemo but that has shrunk as well.
January 5, 2022 - Healing of a relationship. Made a decision before to forgive but now God also gave her the feeling of forgiveness.
January 5, 2022 - David - We had very severe weather forecasted last week where they told us that we would be getting 90 plus mph winds. As the system developed the tornadoes were literally coming right at Metropolitan Nashville, including where we and our daughters are living. We had prayed and my parents were praying and others had prayed, and it just evaporated. It just disappeared. It stopped. And they cancelled the tornado warning. That doesn't usually happen quite that quick. I just want to praise God. Just like he calmed the seas and he walked on the seas and they were afraid of the storm and everything, he totally can evaporate tornadoes and shift weather and do anything. So, I just want to thank God for hearing our prayer!
November 17, 2021 - Pat's husband is now home after his surgery. He walks without a cane or walker. Praise God for a successful shunt surgery!
November 17, 2021 -David shared about another person who found out at the outbreak of COVID that he needed a heart transplant. He had congestive heart failure, 10% of pushing out blood. All operations were shut down because of COVID. They were going to start operations again. He was measured again and he was down to 7%. This was almost after a year. They were waiting for a suitable heart. People have been praying for him. At his next measurement in September, the doctor said, "I've never seen this. 100%." This past month, he went in again just to make sure. 100%. The doctor said, "You've got the heart of a 30-year-old. You've got a brand new heart. I've never seen anybody who has had that type of heart failure ever recover if it was more than two months. You've gone a year. The only explanation is God." .......Nothing is impossible with the Lord!
November 10, 2021 -Last week we had prayed for Drew who had been in a motorcycle accident whose original prognosis was quadriplegic, never walk again. Drew started moving his limbs the next day. And now the prognosis is he will fully recover. Praise God!! Steve, the father, wanted everyone to know how much they treasure the prayers, how much they glorify God and give thanks for everyone in this group for praying for Drew. He has a tough road ahead but he will fully recover.
November 10, 2021 - Pat thanked God that her her husband has come through a shunt operation and is in another hospital for rehab.
September 22, 2021 - Leslie J. - months ago we had prayed for Kathleen in England who had open heart surgery. She is doing very well. She is driving her car and has resumed her duties as a lay minister, bringing Holy Communion to the sick and shut-ins. Thank you, Lord. On September 9, Leslie's brother had surgery on cancer of the prostate. Recently, he saw his doctor and there is no sign of cancer and he did not have to undergo radiation. Thank you, Jesus. Also, we had prayed for Leslie's insomnia. She is still getting her 3 hours of sleep but she does not have to take herbal tablets to fall asleep. Thank you, Jesus. A prayer was then led for Leslie for complete healing of her insomnia.
Sept 22, 2021 - Martha wanted to thank God that her daughter in Toronto got a job.
Sept 22, 2021 - Barb thanked everyone for their prayers. Her husband, Derek is doing fantastic. During that time, the Spirit was showing her the graces that you give a person when you pray for them. Suddenly, she could feel this grace around her and literally pick her up and give her the strength to go on.
Sept 22, 2021 - Donna - During the prayer last week, there was mention of soul healing, not just physical healing. Three nights ago, Donna woke up in the middle of the night and she began to see really wonderful, positive things in her heritage, in her family line that she had never thought of before. She was absolutely astonished that it had escaped her. So, she spent the time thanking God for her heritage as he was revealing to her what was in her family line that was Godly, that was courageous and good. She made the connection to the prayer that was prayed for soul healing because she believes that something happened in her soul life that night when she was awakened in the middle of the night.
August 25, 2021 - Awhile back, we had prayed that Sarah would conceive. She now has new life within her. Thank you, Lord! For more info, see August 25 post on prophecies, etc.
August 11, 2021 - Spiritual healing for Maria's sister and reconciliation with Maria. Thank you, Lord!
July 21, 2021 -A few weeks ago, Halanna asked for prayers for her grandson who was not allowed to be with his father because his mother was controlling his visits with the father, Halanna's son. Two days after Halanna asked for prayers, the 11-year-old grandson wrote a letter to his mother. He said, "Mom, I want to be with my Dad for 5 days in a row and if you don't agree, I'm going to spank you." The father has had many days with his son in the last week and half. Praise God!
July 7, 2021 - Valleryn shared that her cancer has reduced quite a bit in her body. Thank you, Lord!!
June 23, 2021 - We had prayed for Jonothon to have a change of work. The company has just switched him to the job he wanted. Thank you, Lord!
June 23, 2021 - Leann's son is a pilot. Due to COVID, he has had to work for a trucking company, driving big rigs on highways. He has a new job where he will be driving in the city where it's not treacherous in storms, where he can be at his home. And there's a good chance he'll be called back to flying in December.
June 23, 2021 - Doris gives praise to God and thanks for prayers. She has another position at work, less stress. Also, her face is clearing up.
June 16, 2021 - Georgina shared that we had prayed for Cory who was in the hospital for about 2 months with COVID and was almost dying. His whole family was asked to come. He recovered. A couple of days ago, he was moved to rehab. Thank you, Lord, and please continue the healing.
June 9, 2021 - Valleryn shared to the goodness of God and how he healed her 38 years ago. After suffering many stresses at work and insomnia, she suffered a nervous breakdown, became paranoid and heard voices. She received medical treatment. After a few years, she found herself struggling with mental health again. She remembered what a couple at a prayer meeting had told her, that God wanted to speak to her in her heart. She was open to the fact that this could happen. All of a sudden, she heard a small voice inside her say, "You are sick but I will help you get well." Every day the small voice instructed her what to do to get well and within 7 or 8 weeks, she was healed. She never had to take medication again for voices. She stayed well and worked for 30 years. Praise God for his healing power!!
June 2, 2021 - Guillaine thanked everyone for their prayers. She got her Canadian citizenship!
June 2, 2021 - Teri shared that she has had arthritic pain for 40 years. She still has the nerve pain but the arthritic pain seems to have disappeared sometimes in the last couple of months. She says, "It's just wonderful! Thank you, Jesus."
May 26, 2021 - Doris asked for prayers at the beginning of our intercessions for pain in her lower back. She said she immediately felt relief from the pain. Thank you, Lord!
May 26, 2021 - The young girl in BC who was seriously injured in an accident and for whom we've prayed in the past, underwent an 8-hour surgery. When she came out, her personality was different. She was suicidal, memory loss, all kinds of things. Maria kept praying. The girl went home! They said the recovery is miraculous. She will be in therapy for 2 years but her progress is outstanding. They didn't think she would be able to go home. Praise God!
April 28, 2021- Guillaine wanted to thank everyone and God for an answer to prayer. The doctors have found out what the problem is with her feet. She's so happy! Praise God.
April 14, 2021 - Leslie shared that last week we prayed for her sister who was seriously ill in a hospital in England. She has been discharged and is doing much better at home. Praise you, Jesus! She had blood transfusions and oxygen and had problems with her heart and lungs. She said, "We are really, really happy and want to confirm this healing."
April 14, 2021 - David from Nashville shared that last week they had bad weather coming. The weather forecast was going off days in advance. They were told to hunker down, this is the real thing. There would be tennis ball-size hail and 80 mile per hour winds. We prayed and after the prayer meeting, David looked at the weather and they said, "It's dissipated - 12 mile an hour wind, that's it." Praise God! Our prayers were heard.
April 7, 2021 - Two weeks ago, there was a Word of Knowledge that the Lord would heal people. One word was arthritis. Lorraine thought, "Hey, I'll take it." The next morning, she got up and started walking and she realized, "Absolutely nothing hurts." She has not had any arthritic pain since then. She says, "It's incredible and I was definitely healed that night." Thank you, Lord!!!
December 9, 2020 - Anne is thanking God for inspiring her doctor to prescribe a medication that has taken away pain because of fibromyalgia. She is now able to walk for 30 minutes, etc. Thank you, Lord!
December 9, 2020 - Raj who had tested positive for COVID has returned to work. Teresa, his wife, and his son who lives with them all tested negative. Praise God!
November 11, 2020 - As a result of prayer last week, Charleen experienced immediate relief of problem in right eye and slight improvement in vision in left eye.
November 11, 2020 - Teri: I don't know what has happened but I feel so much lighter and so much more at peace. I'm not sleeping 12 hours a day. I'm sleeping 6 to 8. I don't feel as tired as I used to. Thank you, Jesus.
November 4, 2020 - Teri had a fear of being lost because she would become disoriented. Since her tumor has been removed, she has gone out and has not become disoriented and the fear is gone.
October 14, 2020 - A condo that was for sale for two years, was sold after prayer. This was a witness to Maria's sister of God's love. There was a shift in her. We all need evidence to prove that God loves us and is listening to us. Thank you, Lord.
September 23, 2020 - David had back pain for two week. Tonight, during praise and worship, he realized the pain was gone. Thank you for all your prayers.
August 26, 2020 - Teri's surgery on removing tumor successful.
August 26, 2020 - Maria gave a praise report re tithing. When she gave as the Lord put it upon her heart, he blessed her finances.
August 5, 2020 – Last Thursday, Donna came down with cold symptoms. On Wednesday, we had talked about praying out loud. She prayed out loud, asked the Lord that this not be COVID-19, that she be well enough to go to her friend’s funeral. She was tested and it came back negative. By Monday, her symptoms were all gone. She has never had a cold heal that quickly. Plus, she’s on medication that causes her to have a compromised immune system. So, she knows that it was the Lord who did that for her.
August 5, 2020 – Georgina had a lot of problems with her knees in the last couple of months. She had a couple of people praying for her last week for “Unbounding” and same day, her knees were completely healed. Also, she sees effect on her family.
July 15, 2020 – Guillaine: “Last week, after I was prayed for, my feet don’t pain me too much like before. I am able to sleep now, days without pain.” Margaret: Margaret had left her car in Calgary with an elderly couple. This week, she was told where she lives, that there is a parking space that she can now have. A few days later, she got a phone call that the gentleman was not driving any more and she can have her car back. Thank God! The Lord worked it out that, now, this will make it easier for Margaret to get around. The Lord has also put it on her heart that he has more for her to do. Maria: “After prayer over the phone, the meeting went very, very well. All the lies that the clients were saying about me, came to light. The reception that I have, now, at the office is unbelievable.” Anne: Very good progress in the healing of her knee. She is able to exercise, etc.
Feb 5/20 – Poonam: Had backache for number of weeks. Came last week to the meeting with this backache. After prayer, backache was gone and has not come back. Thank you, Jesus!
Dec 4/19 – Guillaine: Grandmother had rash. Guillaine gave her the sand from Chimayo. The grandmother put it on the rash and the rash is gone.
Dec 4/19 – Elizabeth thanked everyone for their prayers for Paul. He passed his Cadet fitness test.
Dec 4/19 – Teri: Her shoulders and lower back were really sore. After prayer, she was told to thank God when she felt no pain and which she did. A few weeks later, her back and shoulders have not been sore.
Dec 4/19 – Paul thanked everyone for their prayers after falling from a tree while hunting (pelvic bone and shoulder injury).
Nov 20/19 – Jessica thanked everyone for their prayers to have her pass her exam. She was delighted to tell us that she passed.
Nov 20/19 – Doris thanked God for all the healings in her life. She kept on asking for prayers for an extension of her work permit because it had expired. She was frightened, concerned. And the Lord did it. There were two miracles that happened. Her work permit had expired and you cannot work in Canada without a work permit. Her work place allowed her to continue working. And she received an email that the extension of the work permit has been approved.
Nov 20/19 – Rosalie thanked us for praying for her children. Her son who is 20 years old and has not worked decided to apply for a job. He applied for only one job and he got it. Her youngest daughter has also applied for numerous jobs.
Nov 20/19 – Rodger is moving to Fargo and most apartments want a full year’s lease and a 60 day notice. He could not commit because he has no job and what if he gets something else somewhere else in the country. He went to Fargo last week and was able to get a place with a 6 month lease and then it’s month to month.
Oct 30/19 Praise Report – Lori Ann shared she usually says the Rosary when she leaves St. Francois Xavier. Yesterday, it was quite slippery and snowy. She was saying the Rosary and when she got to Headingly, she started to brake for the light and the car started to fishtail and spin around and she went right into the ditch backwards. She stepped out of the car into water. As she crossed the road to go to Husky’s, she fell. It was so slippery that she could not get any traction with her shoes. This car stopped with these two guys and they kept saying, “Get up, get up, there’s cars coming.” She couldn’t get up and all these cars were stopping and finally, she was able to get up and they took her to the gas station so that she would not have to cross the road any more. She called CAA and they came within 20 minutes. She just felt so loved because it could have gone very badly.
Oct 30/19 – A few weeks ago, Loree asked people to pray for his eyesight because he had tunnel vision and now it’s all cleared up and so he has regular vision.
Oct 30/19 – This has been something like 20 years of prayer for family members to come to the Lord. And now, Linda has heard of a few coming back to the church or mentioning the Lord or giving religious cards at Christmas/birthday. Something is happening! Praise God!
September 25/19 – Michael – “Long steady prayers for spiritual warfare and God’s mercy and healing. And over the months, members of our extended family have been better and better; peace in their family and things going better for them and the happiness that I haven’t seen in them before. So, it was a slow, steady progress; sometimes some setbacks but the Lord is powerful and he loves us. If we ask him, he will heal us.”
September 25/19 – Valerie – “A few weeks back, I had joined an association for agriculture and was looking for a mentor to help me. I was able to meet with her yesterday.”
July 24/19 – Guillaine went to a doctor in March and they found out that she had a very serious disease. She received prayer. Yesterday, she went to see the doctor and the disease is gone. Thank you, Jesus.
July 24/19 – Terri had a tear in a muscle. She was in a lot of pain. She was throwing up. After prayer, she has not thrown up. It’s over two weeks that she has not thrown up.
July 17/19 – Leann & Ron’s son is a pilot and after much prayer, he has been made Captain.
July 17/19 – Donna had an issue in her life that she was praying about and asking the Lord what he wanted her to do. She got this one possible solution. She kept praying about it. Three or four days later, she got another solution that was the exact opposite of the first one. She thought she should talk to her parish priest, Fr. Chris, see what he would say about it. She was at Mass one day during the week and after Mass they pray the Chaplet of Mercy. So, while they were praying the Chaplet of Mercy, Donna was saying in her head, “Lord, if you want me to talk to Fr. Chris today, can you arrange it that I can do that.” So, we finished the Chaplet of Mercy and Fr. Chris comes and sits right next to me and says, “So, Donna, how are you? While we were praying the Chaplet of Mercy, the Holy Spirit told me to come and talk to you.” She told him what she had prayed. Fr. Chris said that when the Holy Spirit puts something upon your heart, you need to listen. Because when the thought came to him to go talk to Donna after Mass, he wondered, “Why, is there something wrong?” But he thought, “No, the Holy Spirit is asking me. I am going to go and do it.” So if we think the Lord doesn’t hear our prayers, he really does.
July 17/19 – Michael had asked for prayer for his son about three weeks ago. Also, he opened on a page on “healing”, healing the wounded, in the book, Deliverance Prayers for the Laity. He thought this was excellent for his son. His son started to pray the prayer from that book. A job had been lost but he just got peace and he got optimism and now, he’s getting prospects. The Lord is alive and well in acting.
July 17/19 – Lori Ann’s mother has dementia and was living in assisted living where she had to get up, dress herself, etc. Her knees hurt so much that she wasn’t able to do that. So every time she could not get up, they would send her to emergency. Emergency would send her back. The next morning, when she couldn’t get up, she would be sent back to the hospital. Finally, she was kept in Seven Oaks Hospital. They prayed and prayed that they would find a very good nursing home for her. That nursing home has been found! She’s in a beautiful home right now.
July 17/19 – Maria is taking a holiday trip to Italy. She booked one hotel for a few nights. It was meant to be in mid August. However, Maria didn’t catch it when the person on the phone said July. When Maria discovered this mistake, she immediately asked them to change it to August. However, they were not going to waive the charges. She went for prayer and the group agreed in prayer that the hotel would drop the charges. While still at the meeting, Maria got the news that they have dropped the charges. In addition, they owe her $10.00 and some cents because it’s in August and not July. Praise God!
July 3/19 – Richard had a migraine headache around the clock for 14 days. He went to a chiropractor several times – didn’t help. He asked a few people to pray for him and one suggested that he ask Jesus to heal him at the time of receiving Holy Communion. He did this for 2 Sundays in a row. Since the second Sunday, he has not had a headache.
June 12/19 – Maria M. took care of her parents for the last 3 years. The last year has been difficult. About three weeks ago she came for prayer for her parents. The next day, she received a call from the social worker saying that they have both been accepted to a personal care home. She said to Maria, “You must have been praying really hard. We’ve never ever done this, that your parents are accepted at the same time and they are going to be right next to each other.”……which they’ve never done that either. Praise God!
Praise Report June 12/19: Monika had severe shoulder pain. It got so bad that she could not lay on her side. She could not raise her arm at praise and worship because of the pain. At the praise and worship pre- Pentecost evening, her heart filled so much with joy as she was singing. During the praise, she felt as if someone was pulling up her arms and she couldn’t stop singing. She had no pain all night long. She slept on her side again. She had the best rest in a long time. She still has a little bit of pain but hearing tonight the message on forgiveness brought something to her mind. There is something she has to deal with and she will praise and thank the Lord.
June 12/19 – Valerie thanked everyone for their prayers. She has received permanent residency in Canada. Eugene, too, had a prayer request. He is also getting his permanent residency and it’s happening very quickly…much quicker than his friend.
June 12/19 – Maria was harassed at work and she was hurting very badly. She asked for prayer. She was led through a forgiveness process. She was also given 3 readings: Eph 6:12, Psalm 149 and Psalm 150. She was to read them out loud. The Word of God broke through and changed the situation. There will be another evaluation written on her work and the Lord showed her that she is good at what she does.
At January 9, 2019 meeting, Pasqua shared that her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter from Boston were visiting her. The day before their scheduled departure, the granddaughter became very ill. The next morning, she still had great pain in her abdomen, was nauseous, had a hard time moving, etc. The flight home seemed impossible. Pasqua prayed for her and still she was in pain. Pasqua continued to pray and ask Jesus to heal her. Suddenly, the granddaughter jumped up in great joy and said that there was no more pain. She was healed completely and the family was able to go home to Boston on the scheduled flight. Pasqua witnessed to her family that Jesus is alive!
At December 5 prayer meeting, Richard thanked God publicly for results of a test. A few years back, he had two lymph nodes removed and he was given a not too good diagnosis and then a couple of years ago, they said there’s one that we have to watch. Then a year ago, they said we better watch it every three months because it’s growing. He had an ultrasound in the last week. They said, “I don’t know what’s happened. It totally disappeared.”
Dec 5 – “One of my favorite sayings in the bible is Matthew 7, vs 7 – Ask and ye shall receive. I’m sure when I meet Jesus, he’ll say, “Boy, Donna, you took me up on that.” I retired at the end of August. In September, I started praying, “Lord, I’d like to plan a vacation for next year. What should I do? And could you give me someone to travel with?” …… The answer to her prayer is that she was given the information that a Nathaniel group from the St. Boniface diocese going to the Holy Land in April and they had a couple of extra spots. She is going with 43 people and the person she is sharing a room with is someone who is also involved in the Charismatic Renewal.
Dec 5 – A lady left her purse in a shopping cart outside of Walmart, drove to Bulk Barn and realized she didn’t have her purse. She usually asks for St. Anthony’s intercession, but this time she went to the top. She said, “Lord Jesus, this was so stupid of me. Please help me find my purse. But if I don’t find it, at least make me learn the lesson you want me to learn from this.” She went back to Walmart, went to the desk and asked if a brown purse had been turned in. “No,” and then the fellow called somebody else, and then the phone rang and he was distracted. Then a young boy walked in carrying her purse.
Anne asked for prayers that she would do well in an exam. She got 100%.
Valerie had asked us to pray for her father who had toxins in his kidneys. The test results coming in now are good. Thank you, Lord! She asked that we continue praying for her family.
Leann shared that answers to prayer have been that her daughter and family move back to Winnipeg from Montreal and that they be able to sell their home there and purchase another one here.
Maria K. shared that her prayers for her family have been answered.
Richard shared on an answer to prayer request that we exchange weekly. Report of 2 EKGs showed the possibility of a past heart attack. Richard not aware of that. EKG sent to heart specialist who said no need to see him. There was no heart attack.
At July 11th prayer meeting, There was a prophetic word “John 10:10: I came that they might have life and have it to the full,” and there was a word of knowledge that someone is looking for a job. The Lord will answer as that person wants. That Wednesday morning, Arya had gone for an interview for a job. She felt this word was for her and she praised God. She, also, prayed the Word of God in Romans 9:16, “It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” In addition, her prayer request in the basket that evening was that she get the job if it be God’s will. The interview panel told her that they would inform her in a week. A week went by, without hearing anything so she went for personal prayer at the end of the meeting. And by the grace of God, today, (Wednesday, July 25) she got the phone call offering the job position she was looking for.
The market for selling homes in Calgary is flooded. However, with prayer, Anne’s home was sold. Thank you Lord.
After viewing 4 sessions on “How to Pray for People”, we had a practice session with two people praying for Margaret who had a back pain on and off since being in a car accident many years ago. During prayer she experienced heat and her pain was gone. We saw her the next morning and asked about her back pain and she said it was gone and she felt terrific. Thank you Lord.
Jonathon has a job. Thank you Lord.