Vision/Prophecy: “When we were singing, “I exalt Thee”, I felt that the whole room was on fire. Then the Lord spoke. Tell my people that I am healing gout, asthma, hand and feet pain.”
Vision: “I saw the Lord dressed as he would have been dressed 2000 years ago, leading all of us. We’re following him. We’re singing. He’s leading us in song. He’s leading us to the new Jerusalem which I see in the distance. It’s like a huge dome – of Jerusalem. The sense that I have with that is that as we follow Jesus, as we follow the teachings of our Church, as we praise him, we usher in the kingdom of heaven on earth.”
Scripture Reading/Prophecy – “I have not given you the spirit of fear but a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. The Lord shared in my heart that he is healing tonight people that have fear in their hearts. He’s healing anxiety. He’s healing doom. The Lord said, “Keep praising me, continue praising me, continue dancing with me. Read my word, eat my word. My people, there’s so much I want to share with you. I want to dance with you when you are praising me and I want to heal you. Fear is not from me, my children. Doom is not from me. Anxiety is not from me. Continue to praise me and watch these things leave your body, mind and spirit.””
Vision/Prophecy – “When we were singing the song, “Jesus, you are more precious than silver”, I could see Jesus standing there and he had a necklace and there was diamonds and other jewels. This necklace was on Jesus and it was as though he was saying to us, “Which do you choose? The stuff of this life or do you choose me?””
“I sense that Jesus wants us to know that like the diamond cutter, he sees the beautiful person, like the diamond cutter sees the beautiful gem in the stone and the diamond cutter cuts away all the edges that he doesn’t want and he hones the diamond and he molds the diamond into the shape that he wants to show his brilliance. The Lord sees us in ways we don’t see ourselves. He sees us shining like diamonds and he’s molding us and he’s shaping us to shine that beautiful light like diamonds.”
Prophecy: “You are my disciples. I have called you and you have answered. Now, we have much to do together. I am with you.”
A message in tongues.
Interpretation of tongues: “My children, I am the diamond cutter. My children, I’m cutting away the old. My children, the beauty that is within is you. My children, receive the garment of white. My children, receive what I have for you tonight. My children, you only need to ask and receive. My children, open your heart to me. My children, the garment of white is salvation. It is freely given. I am honing you into a thing of beauty. Receive it.”
The Discipleship Series on video by Fr. Bob Bedard. This talk was entitled, “Discipleship”. Marks of a disciple: authenticity, priority, treasure the grace of God (Rom 5:2, Heb 12:15), holiness (Matt 5:48), daily cross (John 12:24, Mk 8:35, Sir 2:1, Matt 5:11), prayer, fasting (Matt 9:15), Confession, Sundays, hospitality, simplicity, stewardship, tithing, almsgiving, work, time, conversation – tongue (James 3:1-8), relaxation, body (Sir 31:20a, 1 Cor 9:27). Know what’s involved in becoming a disciple – Luke 14:28-30 and Luke 14:31-33.
Teaching July 31 on video – Freemasonry
Also, see “Answers to Prayer”.
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