The following are words given by participants at the streamed meeting. 1 Corinthians 14:29 says that "Two or three prophets should speak, and the others weigh carefully what is said." 1 Thess 5:19-21 tells us not to despise prophecies, but to test everything and retain what is good.
Scripture Reading at beginning of meeting, Psalm 100 - "Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with jubilation; come before him with rejoicing and know that the Lord, himself, is God. It is he who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courtyards with praise; give thanks to him, bless his name. For the Lord is good and his mercy is everlasting, and his faithfulness is to all generations."
Prophetic sense - In that last song, I just really felt the power of the Lord and that he was definitely touching all those we carry in our hearts.
Scripture Reading Deut 31:8 - "It is the Lord who walks before you; he will be with you and will never fail you or forsake you. So do not fear or be dismayed."
Vision - In the last song, as he was shouting the name of Jesus, all of a sudden I saw these angels on either side of the streets. It was like the musicians, the singers were in the streets and these angels was trumpets going all along the streets. And I recognized some of the streets and they're the streets of Winnipeg and they're just playing these trumpets and getting rid of the enemy. And the enemy is that stronghold that Jesus is going to get rid of in all of that, in all of our families. I can still see them. They're all dressed in white and it's all trumpets throughout our city.
Prophecy - "Come, I love you so dearly. I love you so dearly. I love you so dearly, come. I hear your hearts, I hear your voices. I see your love. I see your interior. Come. I'm doing a new work in you now, deepen your love for me, deepen my presence in you, deepen even more and more the wellspring I have in you to pour out to your brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors, even deeper as you pray. I hear you. I hear you and my angels go out to do the task that are being bidded to do. I come for all my children. I am so happy to see you. I am so happy to hear you. I am so happy. My heart overfills full with you in my presence. You stand in my presence as a mighty army for your city, for your communities, for your friends, neighbors. You have a ? line to me, use it. Pray for your friends and I will move, I will move. Time is getting shorter but I am still hearing you. I am still listening, waiting to tell my angels to go and do my bidding as you've asked. My dear, dear, dear children, my hear overfills, my heart overfills for you in my presence. I see you, your face ever shining. Your light is bright, my dear children, my dearest children."
Scripture Reading Psalm 144:9-15 - "O God, I will sing a new song to you with a ten-stringed lyre and I will chant your praise. You who give victory to kings and delivered David your servant. From the evil sword deliver me and rescue me from the hands of aliens whose mouths swear false promises; where their right hands are raised in perjury. May our sons be like plants well nurtured in their youth, our daughters, like wrought columns, such as stand at the corners of the temple. May our garners be full, affording every kind of store: may our sheep be in the thousands and increase to many in our meadows: may our oxen be well-laden. May there be no breach in the walls, no exile, no outcry in our streets. Happy the people to whom things are thus; happy the people whose God is the Lord."
Scripture Reading John 14:1-6 - "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If this were not so, I would have told you for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way where I am going." Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going; how do we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me."
Prophecy - During the last worship song, I felt the Lord say these words. "I am here, my people. Do not doubt my power, my ability, my healing, my birthright as Savior and King. I am hearing your prayers for your family and I am healing them and restoring them through my Spirit. Keep praying and believing. I have heard your prayers."
Along with plans with thee, my God, I journey on my way. What need I fear, what need I fear when thou art near, O King of night and day?
Scripture Reading Romans 8:38-39 - "For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love; neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below - there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord."
Dr. Erwin Lutzer spoke on How To Be a Powerful Warrior for Your Family.
Sometimes parents contribute to the delinquency of their children. So often this comes from brokenness in the homes; divorce, addictions, abuse. I hate my Dad, therefore, I hate his God. A lot of fathers carry a lot of guilt. In the Prodigal Son story (Luke 15), the father was a good father. The pigsty did its work. The son came home because he was hungry. Sometimes parents want to keep their kids out of the pigsty (bale their kids out all the time). Let the pigsty do its work. Parents can't convert. Conversion is God's business. Parents need to give their child to God and trust God to do in that child what they cannot.
Dr. Lutzer encourages parents to first pray for themselves, then for their children. He believes that God speaks to parents through wayward children. God, what are you saying to me through all this? No one is perfect. When parents are wrong, their apology to their children brings healing.
Dr. Lutzer uses Scripture, inserting the children's names, when praying for them. Prayer does not become stale for us when we use different Scriptures.
For example: Phil 1:9 - "And it is my prayer that your love, (name), may abound more and more with knowledge and discernment, so that you might approve what is excellent and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God."
Another example: Psalm 23 - "I pray that the Lord will be (name) shepherd, that they might not want," etc., etc.
Never interpret the silence of God as the indifference of God. God is frequently silent but he is not indifferent. Never give up. No matter what barrier is put up, no matter what difficulty or discouragement, look beyond the child to God and trust God to do what you can't. Continue to believe, no matter how difficult it becomes or how long it takes.
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