Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings at Live Stream August 4, 2021

Aug 05, 2021

Scripture Reading Psalm 34:1-3 - "I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.  My soul will make its boast in the Lord; the humble will hear it and rejoice.  O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together."

Scripture Reading Psalm 12:5-8/Prophecy - "'But now I will come,' says the Lord, 'because the needy are oppressed and the persecuted groan in pain.  I will give them the security they long for.'  The promises of the Lord can be trusted; they are as genuine as silver refined seven times in the furnace.  The wicked are everywhere, and everyone praises what is evil.  Keep us always safe, O Lord, and preserve us from such people."   And all afternoon, I had the words coming to me, "Do not be afraid.  I am with you always."  He wants us to know he's always with us no matter what.

Prophecy - The word I was getting today was more of reassurance, reassurance that everything was going to be better, that everything will be fine.

Scripture Reading Psalm 40:1 - I believe the word that I got from the Lord is for someone who is listening today.  "I waited patiently for the Lord.  He inclined to me and heard my cry."

Prophecy - "Stand firm in me.  Do not be distracted by all that is happening around you and in the world.  Stand firm in my word."

Scripture Reading Psalm 62:1-2 - "Hope in God alone.  In God alone there is rest for my soul, from him comes my safety; with him alone for my rock, my safety, my fortress, I can never fall." 

Confirmation/Scripture Reading Revelation 21:7 - "He who wins the victory shall inherit these gifts.  I will be his God, and he shall be my son.  As for the cowards and traitors to the faith, the depraved and murderers, the fornicators and sorcerers, the idol-worshippers and deceivers of every sort, their lot is the fiery pool of burning sulphur, the second death."   I really believe this is confirmation of the reading from Psalm 40.

Prophecy - "My little ones, rest assured that I am with you, always, in everything, everywhere I am with you.  Continue to put your trust in me.  Let your faith be strong in me.  My little ones, I will work miracles through you.  I will raise the dead.  I will cause the blind to see and deaf to hear.  I will do all those things through you, my little ones.  Remain steadfast, pray constantly and wait til you see how my Spirit will empower you to move mountains.  You are my hands and my feet.  You are my mouthpiece.  Spread the Good Word.  Bring hope to my little ones.  Speak with the depressed.  My little ones, lay hands on the sick.  They shall be renewed.  They shall be rebuilt.  Again, my little ones, you are my hands and my feet.  Go where I send you.  Speak the words that I put in your mouth.  I need you.  You are my faithful ones.  Who else can I ask to represent me?  Be steadfast.  Be courageous.  Be strong.  I am with you and the army of angels are with you and all the Saints intercede for you always.  I am pleased with you, my little ones, and I want you to depend on me all the more.  Remember, without me you can do nothing.  In me, you can do all things.  Trust me."

Word of Knowledge - The sense that I had is that we as the people of prayer, are the glue that keep things together, be it intercessory prayer when we pray for each other and we pray for our families and we pray for situations.  We are the glue through prayer that keeps things together in the name of Jesus.


Fr. Robert Faricy spoke on Contemplative Prayer.  Jesus calls us to holiness.  He's calling us to grow in our capacity to love and receive love.  That's what holiness is.  How do we do that?  We do that through union with God.  That comes about mainly in prayer.  Contemplative prayer is making our union with Jesus conscious with his help, with his empowerment.  When our prayer is not reading something out of a book and it's not just saying prayers, when it's really just being there with the Lord, without many words, without many ideas, that's called nonconceptial prayer and that's what we mean when we say contemplative prayer and that is the key to holiness and that's the key to tuning in to the Lord's love for us, individually.  Everybody is unique, so Jesus' love is cut out for you.    Conditions to be contemplative - 1)  Be there (faithfulness).  Fixed amount of time every day - that's the measure of my love.  2)  A certain amount of interior freedom.  We don't want inordinate attachments that distract us from Jesus - addictions take away our freedom and limit our capacity to love.  3) Simplicity.  Be like a little child.  Jesus leads, we hang loose.  How do we tune into Jesus?  Centering Prayer - Use something to center on like the name of Jesus or Lectio Divina (holy reading).  1) Read something.  i.e. John 14, just a couple of lines.                  2) Reflect on it briefly.  What's he saying to me?   3) Respond.  What does it mean to me?   4) Rest.  Rest is contemplative prayer.


Frances shared on God's mercy and kindness.  All is gift.  Exodus 34:6 - The Lord passed before him and cried out, "The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity, continuing his kindness for a thousand generations."  When she looks back on her life, 3,000 minutes would be insufficient to give God all the glory for kindness and mercy in her life.  When she attended St. Paul University in Ottawa, Professor Harvey taught Spirituality of the Desert Fathers.  One day in class, it looked like he was writing Egyptian hieroglyphics on the blackboard.  He turned around looked at the class and then turned back to the blackboard, took a chalk and went around these hieroglyphics and said to the class, "There is nothing in our lives, whether it be sin, sorrow, tragedy, joy, that we cannot see the path of God being traced through our life."  When she received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, she was sitting in the kitchen.  It was a beautiful Spring day, the patio doors were open.  The table was set for supper.  She had placed the list with her gifts on top of the refrigerator.  There had been only a gentle, gentle breeze.  One of the gifts she had received was the gift of intercessory prayer.  She had decided that she would pray every time she would see a jet airliner in the sky.  She looked up and saw a jetliner.  A big doubt passed through her.  All of a sudden, there was a big wind that swept through the kitchen, blew the paper with the list of gifts.  She was seated at the table and the paper landed right in front of her.  It was as if the Holy Spirit was saying, "You have this gift.  Use it."


David was really moved by the talk that Fr. Faricy gave a few weeks ago on Discernment.  Fr. talked about how couples can discern together.  David and Susan had lived in Seattle for a long time, had friends, got to know the parents of the other kids, etc. God put it upon David's heart that he wanted them to move to Nashville.  When he shared that with Susan, she said, "I don't think so."  When you get married, two become one and you really do need to give your will to God.  David prayed about that and God gave him the question, "Has she given it to me?"  So the next time, they discussed this, David asked her if she had given it to God and she said, "No."  They went on a trip to Nashville to look around.  Their daughter ripped a contact when they were on the trip.  They sent the contact over night from Seattle.  When they got back to Seattle, one morning, David got a phone call from Susan saying, "I gave it to God this morning."  He wondered what the answer was, but whatever it was, he wanted to be on the same page with Susan.  She told David that  when she woke up that morning she gave it to God.  Then she went to their eye doctor shop and the very next person she met was a new person who was working behind the counter at the eye glass store where they always had been going for many years.  This new person said, "Oh, I see that we shipped these contacts to Nashville.  What took you to Nashville?"  Susan said, "Well, my husband is thinking that we should be moving to Nashville and we were looking there."  The lady said, "You seem uncertain."  Susan told her that she wasn't sure.  The lady started to tear up and said to Susan, "You're telling me my story." "What do you mean?"  "Well, years ago, my husband said that he felt called to move.  We had two boys and I said that the boys had their friends here, we want to stay here.  It will be better here.  He said that he really felt that they were supposed to go.  I didn't go.  And we're divorced.  One of my sons lives across the country now and other one does live in the same town, but I never see him.  You got married to be with your husband and to follow him."  And she's crying at this point.  That lady was never seen again at that eye doctor's place.  They went there regularly.  She was there once.  And she was the immediate person Susan saw after she gave it to God.  So, God will answer.  

Praise Report

Marilyn shared about the goodness of God.  She had gone to Costco to get some medications.  As she went to pay for the medication, she felt very faint and very nauseated.  She almost felt like she was having a stroke.  The cashier noticed that she wasn't feeling very well and didn't think she should be driving.  He had her come into his office, sat her down and had a first aid team come.  They were so wonderful to Marilyn.  Everybody was so kind.  She thought, "God plants his people all over the world.  There's Christians all over the world to nurture and restore people and to care for them."  She felt so cared for and so loved that day.  She met this beautiful couple, husband and wife, both paramedics.  She asked how many children Marilyn had.  Marilyn said, "Five."  She said, "You know we had five children, but we lost a child to cystic fibrosis last year."  Marilyn said, "You're so kind."  She replied, "I know that I'm kinder today because I had a deep loss in my life.  I know that we're kinder because of that."  When Marilyn got to the hospital, they were so compassionate to her.  Marilyn wanted to share the goodness of God, how he plants people around the world in places where we would never imagine, like Costco.  There are good people looking out for the goodness of other people and their well-being.  We have a great God, a mighty healer and restorer and a great protector.  Thank you, Jesus.


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