Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words and Scripture Readings at live stream on May 27 2020

May 27, 2020

Prophecy:  “You are my beloved disciples.  Come nearer.  I want to give you a big hug.”

Prophecy:  “You are my delight.”

Confirmation/Prophecy:  I can confirm that.  I heard the Lord say, “Come to me”, three times.  And he said, “You are with me.  Love me.  Trust me.  You must come to me.”  And I saw Jesus.  He was lit up like the light of a sun and as I saw clouds, he said, “You are with me.”  Then I saw in the clouds with him.

Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-7:  “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  I always thank God for you because of his grace given in you in Christ Jesus, having been enriched in every way – in all your speaking and in all your knowledge – because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you.  Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.”

I get the sense that the Lord wants to comfort us.  He wants to love us.  He just wants to hold us.  An overwhelming sense of his love for us tonight.

I sense the Lord saying that there are people that are wanting to hear his voice; they want to hear him and they can’t.  So maybe, pray that they can hear our Lord and open their hearts.  

Prophecy:  “What are you waiting for?  Tell the world about me.”

Interpretation/Prophecy:  The vision about Jesus being like the sun – Jesus says, “That is my glory,” and he wants us to have his glory.  We’re to pray about it and the glory will fall on each one of us.

I had written those words and I didn’t read them – the glory, his glory.

Teaching by Cardinal Dolan

“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks, a reason for your hope.”  St. Peter addressed that exhortation to those first generation Christians, but he also addresses that to us.  We do it by words and example.  Story of man coming into the Catholic faith because of a woman who was taking chemo treatments at the same time as he was.  He was down in the dumps; he was depressed, he had aches and pains.  But the woman always had a quiet joy.  He admired that.  She often looked into her bible, she had these beads with which she prayed.  As they came to know each other, she consoled and encouraged him in her gentle way.  She said that she would pray for him.  She started to bring him excellent chicken soup, etc.  She was such an inspiration that he finally asked her, “What makes you tick?”  Her reply, “I guess it’s my faith.”  etc…  He asked, “Can I get some?  Where do I get some?”  She introduced him to her parish priest and now he was in the RCIA program.  She died.  She donated her organs.  Different people got those.  He said, “I think I got her soul.”

Pope St. Paul VI reminds us that people are moved more by witness than by words.  Words and witness.  St. Philip – “The crowds paid attention to what was said by Philip when they heard it and saw what he was doing.”  The more the early Christians were persecuted, the more were attracted to Jesus.  The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the faith.

When Cardinal Dolan was a young priest, he did his apostolate at the Missionaries of Charity who had a hospice for dying Aids patients.  One Good Friday, after the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, two of the sisters asked Fr. Dolan to come upstairs with the crucifix where there were some patients there who were too sick and too weak to come down.  Each of the patients kissed the feet of Jesus on the cross.  In the corner of the room was a man who was motioning Fr. Dolan to come over.  The sisters told Fr. not to go as the man was very agitated, he will spit at you, he will try to bite you, etc.   However, Fr. felt he had to go.  Sure enough, the man tenderly kissed the feet of Jesus.  The next day, the sisters phoned Fr. and said the man was close to death and he wants to be baptized.  Fr. Dolan said to the man, “Tell me the reason you want to be baptized and claim Jesus as your Lord and Savior.”  He said, “Well, all I know is this.  I’m not happy.  My life is empty.  I am bitter.  I am vicious.  I am vindictive.  I’ve been here 4 months and these sisters are happy.  They’re constantly smiling.  I’ve spit on them.  I have thrown my urine bucket at them.  I have tried to bite them and they keep coming closer and they keep smiling and they keep telling me they’re praying for me. Finally yesterday after I kissed the feet on the cross, I asked the sisters, ‘What have you got, that I don’t?’  They said that they have their faith.  And I said, ‘I want some before I die.'”

St. Peter goes on to say, “Do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your consciences clear.”  Pope Francis says, “Win them over with joy and love.”  St. Francis of Assisi:  “Preach, preach at all times, use words when necessary.” 

 June 3/20 will be live streamed at 7:30 p.m.     


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