Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings at Live Stream on August 26, 2020

Aug 27, 2020

Vision/Prophecy:  I saw one flame like a flame of a candle and at one point I could almost feel the heat from this flame.  And I heard the Lord say, "Set out your minds to receive me.  Your minds must be grounded in  my truth and my wisdom."  And it was like the praise and worship is what is igniting that flame.  That flame was in us.  So, when we are praising, we are igniting the Spirit, stirring the Spirit within us.  The Lord is saying that this is very important when you pray, to praise him.  You must praise because it stirs up the Spirit and then, you're united with the Father.  And the praise is what brings the healing deep in your heart.  It is your breath.  And I kept seeing this flame, the whole time, this very one flame.  And the breath was almost pulsing with the praise.  And he said, "Praise gives us life."  And I heard, "Gather here, gather witnesses, gather people."  He said, "My child, my children, you are not barren.  Seek me day and night in all you do and all you see, and to be witnesses.  My child, my children, my brethren will know my people and will know my word and my chosen will follow.  You shall not fear.  I am with you.  Be not afraid, my children, be not afraid."

Confirmation re praise:  The Lord put upon my heart that we are to praise him in tongues all day long.  Just keep praising him in tongues.  There is going to be much healing through praising him.  Praise him in music, praise him in tongues.  Many people will come to see the light that Jesus puts in each and every one of us.  

Scripture Reading Ephesians 6:18 - "With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit.  To that end be watchful with  all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones and also for me, that speech may be given to me to open my mouth to make known with holiness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, so that I may have the courage to speak as I must."

Prophecy:  "My children, I have heard the cries of my people.  I know the pain.  I know their suffering.  I know their fears and their doubts for I am God.  I am the Lord, your Savior.  My children, there are many who do not know me and there are many who fear  and do not know the hope that I can pool within their hearts.  Tonight, my children, I want you to know that I am about to do a great work among you.  I am about to let the power of my Holy Spirit be released within you.  I have chosen you, my children, to be my witnesses, to be my truth, speak my truth and to know my will.  It is my desire that all man be converted.  It is my desire that all people may come to know what a loving God I truly am, a Father who cares, a Father who nourishes, a Father who leads and guides.  But it is to you, my children, that I have chosen to make myself known to you in a deeper way.  And for this, my children, I need you to be open to greater renewal and growth.  For this, my children, I need you to be available to allow me to work within your hearts and within your minds and souls, that you may know me beyond all doubts, beyond all fears.  I desire to shield you, my children, to make you whole and one in me as I am in you.  Do not fear, my children, for I will give you the peace.  I will give you the grace that you will need.  And I will give you the wisdom and the guidance that will lead you into that fullness  of life that I have promised you.  Yes, my children, I have promised you this fullness of life and I will not deny anyone who desires it.  My children, it pleases me that you come to me in prayer.  It pleases me that you come to me in praise and in worship.  It pleases me that you desire to know me more.  Know that I am with you through it all.  Know that you are not alone."

Confirmation/Scripture Reading Lamentations 3:21 - "I will call this to mind as my reason to have hope.  The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, his mercies are not spent; they are renewed each morning, so great is his faithfulness.  My portion is the Lord says my soul; therefore, will I hope in him.  Good is the Lord to one who waits for him, to the soul that seeks him."

Prophecy:  "My people, pray for your brothers and sisters who call themselves Christians.  Pray for them that are bringing so much fear into the world, so much fear into their families, instead of bringing hope and wholeness and healing.  They are so afraid and they're bringing the wrong message to the world.  Pray for them, pray for them, pray for them."


Teaching by Fr. Schmidt - True story of a man who was tortured for 3-4 weeks.  He would not reveal the name of the priest who had Mass in this man's home.  He could not betray the Eucharist.  This man came to the U.S.  He went to Mass every day.  He found out that in America if you work harder, you make more money.  He wanted to do more for his family.  Soon, there was not enough time to go to daily Mass and soon he was missing some Sunday Masses, and then it became only at Easter and Christmas time.  What communism could not do, the American culture did. 

We are in a fight.  It is time to witness.  Witness =  martyr.  It takes one person to change the world.

Second story shared by Fr. Schmidt:  He did not come to see Lucy when her knee cap became dislocated in the airplane when she looked back at him.  We are going to fail.  Say "Sorry" and ask Jesus to help.  Get up and try again.

Ryan never talked about Jesus to his best friend.  One day, friend said that he noticed that Ryan never shared about a very important part of his life and that made the friend feel that he was not very important in Ryan's life.

Intercessory Prayer

Word for Amanda:  "Open your hands and your heart to me and I will pour special graces your way."

Praise Reports

Teri's surgery this morning was successful.

Georgina went through Unbound for herself and her family.  Now, gradually she sees the effect that it had on her family.  Fear, worry and anxiety has left one family.  It's so wonderful to hear her child speaking about God.

David said that it says in Scripture that God cares even for the birds.  He shared about bird hitting their window this evening, and it looked like it was going to die.  He took the bird, turned it over and prayed, "God, you said you care about the birds.  Heal this bird.  Let this bird come back."  The bird stood up in his hands and looked at David.  He exercised it a little bit and then he lifted it up and let it go into the air.  It flew and turned around and landed on the sill over the door to the porch, just sat there.  David thought, "Are you O.K.?"  They locked eyes, looked at each other for the longest time.  He gave it some water.  He went in to get the camera and when he came back it was gone.  David felt that Scripture very, very strongly after that experience and felt God saying, "I care about each and every one of you, even more that I love this beautiful bird." It was very moving for David;  he felt that God cares about every single one of our prayers that we made, every single intention matters, so deep to him.  He loves.  In the same way, that the priest tonight was humbled enough to share his pain, to share his mistake and to be humble about it, the same way we've shared all these intentions, God loves that and he wants everyone to know that all of those prayers are heard.

Maria gave a praise report re tithing.  During COVID she has tithed only from one job.  She didn't tithe from the school division job.  The Lord put it upon her heart to tithe.  Accidentally, she gave double the amount.  Then Lord impressed upon her that the reason she gave more, she was making more with Child and Family.  Then the Lord started blessing her.  She was able to buy a shed.  She needed some work done and the neighbor came and did the work.  Then her son came and did some work and her daughter and boyfriend came and did more.  She was charged minimal amount for putting the shed up.  Lots of things have been happening.  She believes it is because of the tithing.  We can never outgive God.



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