The following are words given by participants at the streamed meeting. 1 Corinthians 14:29 says that "Two or three prophets should speak, and the others weigh carefully what is said." 1 Thess 5:19-21 tells us not to despise prophecies, but to test everything and retain what is good.
Words of Knowledge - healing of blurry vision, cataracts and glaucoma, macular degeneration of the eye, someone of a constant runny nose, and a young child between the age of 2-3 years will be healed of leukemia and he will ? faith for the child's parents. Someone will be gifted with courage and determination to stay on a diet. Someone will have healing of both knees, will not need the surgery. Someone will get a job.
Scripture Reading Psalm 86:1-7 - "Listen to me, Lord, and answer me, for I am helpless and weak. Save me from death, because I am loyal to you; save me, for I am your servant and I trust in you. You are my God, so be merciful to me; I pray to you all day long. Make your servant glad, O Lord, because my prayers go up to you. You are good to us and forgiving, full of constant love for all who pray to you. Listen, Lord, to my prayer; hear my cries for help. I call to you in times of trouble, because you answer my prayers."
Scripture Reading Isaiah 2:2-3 - "In days to come the mountain where the temple stands will be the highest one of all, towering above all the hills. Many nations will come streaming to it and their people will say, 'Let us go up to the hill of the Lord, to the temple of Israel's God. He will teach us what he wants us to do; we will walk in the paths that he has chosen, for the Lord's teaching comes from Jerusalem, from Zion he speaks to his people.'"
Jesus always keeps us in prayer.
Prophecy/Vision - I heard the Lord say, "Come into my kingdom." And the sense was very strong that it was one of the most important things you could do is to come into his kingdom. And I saw this burning fire. I saw Jesus and he was bending down on one knee and the sense was we are called to do that to worship before him.
Scripture Reading Matthew 12:30-32 - "Whoever is not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Therefore I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come."
When we were praising the Lord in song, the words of one of the songs that really touched my heart was when we were saying, "Even when we don't see, even when we don't feel, the Lord is still working," and that just gave me such consolation. God is at work all the time, all the time, even when we don't see it or feel it.
Scripture Reading Psalm 72:12-17 - "He will free the poor man who calls to him, and those who need help, he will have pity on the poor and feeble, and save the lives of those in need; he will redeem their lives from exploitation and outrage, their lives will be precious in his sight. (Long may he live, may gold from Sheba be given him!) Prayer will be offered for him constantly, blessings invoked on him all day long. Grain everywhere in the country, even on the mountain tops, abundant as Lebanon its harvest, luxuriant as common grass. Blessed be his name for ever, enduring as long as the sun!"
Confirmation - God is highlighting his kingdom and his will. Scripture Reading Matthew 6:10 - "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Prophecy - "My children, Tonight I am giving you a very precious gift, an awareness of this gift, the gift of myself. It is the gift of my Spirit that reigns within your heart, it is the fire of love, the fire of purification, the fire that will gain you eternal glory in heaven with me. My children, I know that times are tough, life is hard and that is why I have set my Son, Jesus, on earth to do the work I have called him to do as it is done here in heaven and that is to give glory to my name and my Spirit, our Spirit, reigns within your heart and gives me glory every time you respond with a yes, a yes to receiving the gift of salvation, a yes to receiving the gift of mercy and confirmation that I give you. Did you ever say no to my gift of my Holy Spirit, when you hear it and respond against it, yes, my children, my Spirit of love cannot reign in your heart. But tonight I am giving you also another gift, a gift of perseverance and protection, for I know my dear loved one, my little one, I know that you desire to know me closer and in a deeper way and I know how you hunger for salvation, how you hunger to be freed of the chains of despair and hopelessness that this world gives. Do not fear, my children, do not despair for I know all the angles that is needed to accomplish my goal in heaven here and to make you, my people, free. So tonight say yes, my children, yes to the gift of mercy, yes to receiving the gift of my love."
A line from one of the songs really touched my heart and I felt it, too, was 'to be overcome by your presence, Lord.' And I really felt the Lord's presence. The people were so animated that I got kind of, I felt I was part of the music there. I just felt God's presence and it went by so fast. So, "to be overcome by your presence, Lord," was the word.
Prophecy - "I love you, I love you, I love you. I'm embracing you. I come especially at this moment at your greatest need. Lift up your heart, lift up your sagging arms to lift your whole being into a new and vibrant life that I want to give you, I want to instill in you. Look not on the situations that drag you down, but look at me, look at me, ask for me, come close to me. Ask and I will give you abundantly. Ask, ask. I am never short of grace, I am never short of love. So open, be open, my dearest children, be open."
Prophecy - "My little ones, I ask nothing of you. I want nothing from you except you allow me to love you. And this love that I have for you will do and everything you need to do and it will give you everything that your heart desires. Let my love empower you just as I was moved by love, so let my love move you. I want nothing more than to love you completely, wholly. Give me everything that I will give you more. My love is all you need. Let me love you."
Fr. John Carney spoke on "Forgiveness". God is not going to ask us to do something we can't do. 7 x 70 means whatever, always, continuously you must forgive. Forgiveness is not placing ourselves in a position to be abused again. Forgiveness does not mean there is a need to restore a former friendship. i.e. at work. Doesn't mean you have to go fishing with him again. You just wish him well. It doesn't mean you like the person you forgave. You love them. Jesus loved everybody, but there were people he didn't like. Forgiveness does not mean you feel good inside. Forgiveness doesn't remove the feelings of hurt. Forgiveness is primarily an act of the will. 90% of forgiveness is the desire to forgive. You decide to forgive. You let it go. And the person doesn't owe you anything. This does not mean that you don't still hurt. Temptations of sin, such as anger: don't own the thought. Let it go. In one ear and out the other. Sin is when we take it and own it. Basis of the word forgive is "give". You give that to someone, mostly it's a gift you give yourself. It frees you. When you carry anger, you're carrying poison in your heart. If a bad person wrongs you, forgive him or there would be two bad people. Forgiveness must be freely given without expectation of payment. How many times have we sinned in our lifetime, He forgave us every time.
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