The following are words given by participants at the streamed meeting. 1 Corinthians 14:29 says that "Two or three prophets should speak, and the others weigh carefully what is said." 1 Thess 5:19-21 tells us not to despise prophecies, but to test everything and retain what is good.
At beginning of meeting, Scripture Reading 1 John 3 - "See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God."
Scripture Reading Psalm 37:3-4 - "Trust in the Lord and do good that you may dwell in the land and live secure. Find delight in the Lord who will give you your hearts desire."
Scripture Reading John 10:37-38 - "I am the Son of God. If I am not doing the Father's will, there is no need to believe me. But if I am doing it, then even if you refuse to believe in me, at least believe in the work I do. Then you will know for sure that the Father is in me and I am in the Father."
Scripture Reading Psalm 117:1-2 - "Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him all you peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!"
Prophecy/Prayer - "My little ones, remember that I am your God and I, your God, has chosen each one of you. My little ones, you are to reflect my love always. I am with you in everything, everyrwhere, all the time. You are never alone and remember, remember that you represent me, the God of gods, the Lord of lords. And my little ones, know that I am coming soon and I need you to speak my words. I need you to stay focused on me and listen carefully. Be persistent. Remain at peace but remember that you are in difficult times. And if you, my little ones, my chosen ones, are going through so many trials, think of all those who do not know me. Where, where will they find hope? How will they ever see me, if not through you. It is crucial that you remain always in me, faithful through it all to the end. And your reward is" And the Lord is saying that there is no word to describe what our reward is going to be through our faithfulness, through our - keep following him and doing his will. Lord give us the grace to stay on the path that you have put us on. Help us to keep moving forward and to bring with us all those people that you have placed on our path. Give us the grace, Lord, to love to the end, to love even those who are unlovable. Come, Lord Jesus.
Prophecy - I felt the Lord saying to us to strive for holiness. "That others will see my love in you and desire what you have. So many do not know me and you can bring others to me through your love and actions."
Confirmation - I'd like to confirm that because that's been in my heart as well.
Scripture Reading Psalm 77:13-15 - "Everything you do, O God, is holy. No god is as great as you. You are the God who works miracles; you showed your might among the nations. By your power you saved your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph."
Prophecy - "My children, you know how you can love me more. Many do, but many don't. And the only way that others may come to know this truth is by you experiencing this truth, that I have given up my life for you. I have been raised up high on the cross and through my suffering I was able to give to this world the resurrection of my life. And when you eat my life and when you drink my blood, this resurrection will reign within you and my glory will penetrate itself through your actions, through your words, through your praises and through your worship. There has never been a time on earth where my people need to know that I am alive in the Holy Eucharist. I am calling you, tonight, my children, to be my word, to proclaim this good news, to let people know that salvation is in the Eucharist. So many downplay this and see it as just mundane, routine. But you, my children, I have chosen for you to know it deep within your whole being. I desire to heal you, to restore you, to renew you if you can come to believe how I am present in the Holy Eucharist, in the sacrifice of the Mass. I sacrificed my life for you, my children. Do you not know how much more I can love you, my children, to deliver you, to free you, to empower you, to be my voice, to be my hands, to be my feet? This is what I am calling you, my children, tonight, to become, to become Christlike like me. But first, you must know and consume me in the inner depths of your whole being. You must say repeatedly, your "yes". You must surrender repeatedly your life. You must sacrifice repeatedly all your hardships, all your suffering, all your tribulation and your joy. And my joy will overflow within all of that. And my people in this world will see this joy and will see this love and will know beyond all measure, yes, salvation exists in this world."
"I kept having this feeling that we have had so much given to us, so much love poured out on us, so much forgiveness, so much strength, and that we are lacking in the gratitude that we should have and give the Lord; that we have forgotten that attitude of gratitude that we sometimes talk about; that we should be more aware of it."
Confirmation of the prophetic word about striving for holiness/Prophecy - Right after the last song I got these words: "Holy is my name and I wish to make you all holy, to do many miracles. Healing is needed now more than ever to bring many to me. But holiness means you need to be in my presence, to be obedient to our Father; not our will but his be done. Spend time with me and listen to my voice. I have much to give you so you can receive my love and my grace. Spend time with me. I love you."
Throughout Advent, we prepare to encounter Jesus and use this holy season as an opportunity to bring his holy presence to others.
Sr. Bethany Madonna S.V.P spoke on the love of Jesus for us and Confession. Story of one of the Sisters who had been an opera singer before becoming a nun to illustrate that even when we feel lost, trapped, not able to respond, Jesus knows where we are and he comes. He hears our silent cry. He never tires of seeking us out.
3 parables of the lost to describe how he finds us when we lose our way: The lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son.
The sheep is just foolish. The grass is greener so he strayed. The coin doesn't lose itself. Someone causes it to be lost through neglect, scandal, lack of instruction. The prodigal son willfully leaves his father to follow his own pursuit.
The sheep is found by the Good Shepherd who knows us and seeks us out; the coin by the Light of the world who frees me from fear and darkness; and the son is welcomed home by the Father of Mercy who loves me and heals me.
Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. I know mine and mine know me. We all have a unique voice. Jesus knows our voice. He misses it when he doesn't hear it. Story of lumberjack's confession and the story of Shrek, the sheep from New Zealand. He dodged being shorn for six years by running and hiding in a cave. When they finally found Shrek, he was unrecognizable. He was buried under 60 lbs. of wool; branches, brambles, etc., entangled in the wool.
Adam and Eve hid from God. They were filled with shame and their first response was to blame. When it comes to confession, the evil one does one of two things with us. He tries to convince us that we didn't really do anything that bad or he insinuates that not only did we do something bad but that we are actually bad. The Holy Spirit convicts our heart with a healthy sense of guilt, with contrition: I am very good and yet I have done something bad. I'm sorry. I don't want to do it again. Our good shepherd knows us and he's seeking us out. He's calling us to be shorn of that heavy burden and all the clutter and filth that we might be carrying around.
The coin, the Light of the world - Story of restoration of the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz. How much more valuable and more worthy of painstaking restoration and preservation each immortal soul bought with the ruby red blood of Jesus Christ! We don't want to follow the yellow brick road. We want to get on the straight and narrow path. Heaven is where there is joy, communion, wholeness, life with God. We begin to taste it here in our souls in the healing and mercy we receive in the Sacrament of Confession. Every step towards confession opens us for more light to come in.
The Father of mercies receives back his prodigal son. It shows that we are loved and we are healed. Story of Sr. Bethany in an airplane sitting next to a 19-year-old who found Instagram a place of affirmation and also a place of insecurity. A priest told Sr. that confession is the place of affirmation. God the Father spoke to her heart, "Everything I have is yours; my love, my mercy, my life." She said, "Into the insecurity that I'm not good, not capable of loving, he bestows the ultimate affirmation that I am known and deeply loved in my weakness. I am forgiven, I am healed. I'm given the strength not to fall again." This moment of transparency requires humility and courage. But this counteracts the evil one.
When we surrender to Jesus, we become who we truly are. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we come to know we are beloved sons and daughters of God; deeply, totally and completely loved.
Come out of hiding, step into the light and run home to our Father.
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