Scripture Reading at beginning of meeting, John 13:7 - "Jesus answered and said to him, 'What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand later.'" Yesterday, I was listening to someone's testimony about how God when he is guiding us, doesn't show us the future, everything that's going to happen. He shows us step by step, not everything at once so we're not overwhelmed.
Scripture Reading John 15:16 - "You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit and that your fruit would remain so that whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you."
Scripture Reading Isaiah 40:28-31 - "Yahweh is an everlasting God, he created the boundaries of the earth. He does not grow tired or weary, his understanding is beyond fathoming. He gives strength to the wearied, he strengthens the powerless. Young men may grow tired and weary, youths may stumble, but those who hope in Yahweh renew their strength, they put out wings like eagles. They run and do not grow weary, walk and never tire."
Prophecy - I had a really strong sense for a long time that our Lord was here, a very strong presence of our Lord during the praise and worship. And then, I heard, "He is coming to rescue you. Not one of you will be left behind. He is coming. He is coming for you." And there was a really strong anointing this evening.
Confirmation/Prophecy - I confirm what was just shared, that he's so close because that's the words I was getting. "So, you know, my little ones, how very close I am to you. I am so close. I am in you and you in me. You must believe this, my little ones, you must believe that I am in you. Therefore, you have nothing to be afraid of, nothing to fear. Be bold, my little ones, and know that I will use you powerfully. I encourage you to use your gifts. No, more than that, I command you to use your gifts. Everything I have given you is for a purpose. It is to reach out to those souls that need your hope with faith. You need to share with each one what I have given you and I want to give to them. So, if you hold back, my little ones, then who, who will give them what I want to give. Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous. Be obedient and watch me work through you. Watch how I will use you. My little ones, I have called each one of you for this purpose, to save more souls. Be obedient. Follow my lead. Walk in my footsteps. Do as I do."
Scripture Reading Isaiah 43:18-19 - "Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; see I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
Confirmation/Scripture Reading 1 Peter 5:5-11 - "To the rest of you I say: do what the elders tell you, and all wrap yourselves in humility to be servants of each other, because God refuses the proud and will always favor the humble. Bow down, then, before the power of God now, and he will raise you up on the appointed day; unload all your worries on to him, since he is looking after you. Be calm but vigilant, because your enemy the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat. Stand up to him, strong in faith and in the knowledge that your brothers all over the world are suffering the same things. You will have to suffer only for a little while: the God of all grace who called you to eternal glory in Christ will see that all is well again: he will confirm, strengthen and support you. His power lasts for ever and ever. Amen."
Prophecy - "My children, you are my beloved children and I love you so much that I desire to heal you. Tonight, I'm going to heal you in a profound way, in a deep way. There are many with past wounds. There are many that are grieving. There are many who are so broken that they are not able to see the light. This is the light that I desire for you, my children, that you may know me and that you may know my love for you. I am the Lord. I am the one that can pierce through the darkness. My children, I need for you to believe in this. I need for you to open up your hearts, in the silence of your heart to let me pierce through that darkness that you believe true. My children, I love you."
Confirmation of last prophecy/Scripture Reading 2 Thess 3:5 - "May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ."
Confirmation of last prophecy and Scripture Reading - When I was given there was a strong anointing tonight, following that, is what you described.
Word given at the end of the meeting - The Lord keeps telling us for the last few weeks that we need to be bold and we need to use our gifts. I really think that we need take heed of that. I believe there's a reason that God is telling us that. I believe that something is happening soon And whatever God is putting on people's hearts is for the entire group and he wants his voice to be heard.
Richard spoke on "Trust" (Confronting my Boogyman). If we have a lack of trust and don't deal with it, it can become a habit. As he confronted each obstacle in his life, he experienced God taking care of him and so he trusted more and more. God has given him encouragement through dreams, through words from the Lord directly and through other people. Romans 8:31: "If God is for us, who can be against." Luke 12:7: Even the number of hairs on our head are known to God. Today is the tomorrow that you spent your time worrying about yesterday. Need a close relationship with the Lord. We can know him more through the Scriptures. Psalm 62:8: "Trust in him at all times, you people, pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 9:10: "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 22:5: "To you they cried out and were saved; in you they trusted and were not put to shame." Proverbs 3:5: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 29:25: "Whoever trust in the Lord is kept safe." Isaiah 26:4: "Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal." Nahum 1:7: "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him." Sometimes, we may have to wait on God's timing for resolving our concerns. We can look at past incidences for strength. We have to persevere in prayer. C.H. Spurgeon said, "Prayer pulls the rope down below, and the great bell rings above in God's ears. Some scarecely stir the bell, others give only an occasional jerk at the rope. But he who communicates with heaven, grasps the rope boldly and pulls continuously with all his might." We need a childlike simplicity in asking God. Examples of Sr. Jean Thuerauf. Let's remember, "A promise from God is a promise."
Last summer, Georgina felt that she should do Unbound prayers for her family. As she went through the book, she was looking for the family sin. A couple came over and prayed for her and her knees were healed and she knew that those prayers work. Then, on two nights, she had the same dream. All the people walking, all in the one direction and they were spaced from each other and they had no expression on their faces. It was 10-12 people walking. In her heart, she felt that these were family members who had died and their sins had been forgiven through the Unbound prayers and they were able to go to God. Also, her 15 yr old grandson had a problem since he was little with anxiety and he was healed. Her sister had 3 children who haven't spoken in years were reconciled and they do things together now. Georgina was also healed of guilt. She is grateful to God that she lives in a place where the Unbound ministry is known. Thank you, Lord!
Last week we prayed for Gabriella who was hit by a car and didn't have much hope that she would live. The mother sent a video, she is walking. Last Wednesday night, she was able to sleep through the night. Previously, she was in too much pain. Thank you for all your prayers!
Eli has been healed of Crohns disease.
Guillaine wanted to thank everyone and God for an answer to prayer. The doctors have found out what the problem is with her feet. She's so happy! Praise God!
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