Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings at Live Stream April 20, 2022

Apr 21, 2022

Scripture Reading at beginning of meeting, Psalm 100 - "Shout joyfully to the Lord, all you lands; worship the Lord with cries of gladness; come before him with joyful song.  Know that the Lord is God, our maker to whom we belong, whose people we are, God's well-tended flock.  Enter the temple gates with praise, its courts with thanksgiving.  Give thanks to God, bless his name; good indeed is the Lord, whose love endures forever, whose faithfulness lasts through every age."

Prophecy - "My children, tonight I want to reveal to you my glory, my glory on the throne.  My children, I am the lamb that was slain.  I am the lamb that is the new Passover and I am the lamb that will redeem and save your life.  My children, I am asking you to reach out with an act of faith tonight, to recognize my glory that reigns here on earth and specifically within yourselves, you who are baptized, you, my children, who come to me with joy and hope and anticipation.  Trust in me, my children, that my glory reigns in you.  Whenever my blood cleanses you from sin, whenever my blood purifies your soul, that is my glory. Believe, my children, that I have come to rescue you, to save you, to be the one who will be your Lord.  My resurrection was so that I could give you my Holy Spirit, and it is my Spirit within you that does all the purification and the healing and the restoring from death to life.  So, my children, I bestow upon you a special blessing tonight, a blessing of love and of mercy.  Say yes to this blessing, receive it with joy for I have much in store for my people and you will be my witnesses."

Confirmation/Prophecy - I would like to confirm that prophecy.  It was almost word for word.  "Listen, my children, carefully to my voice.  I love you and I want the best for you but I need your faith.  I need your eyes, I need your ears, I need your hands and feet to do my will.  Yes, my children, all of you have a job to do for me and I need your yes, your obedience, your all.  Listen to my voice, my command.  Say yes."

Scripture Reading Philippians 4:4-7,19 - "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!  Let your gentleness be known to everyone.  The Lord is near.  Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  To our God and Father be glory forever and ever."

Scripture Reading Luke 5:12-13 - "Jesus was in a town where there was a man who was suffering from a dreaded skin disease.  When he saw Jesus, he threw himself down and begged him, saying, "If you want to, you can make me clean."  Jesus reached out and touched him, "I do want to heal you.  Be clean."  At once, the disease left the man."  

Scripture Reading Isaiah 44:25-28 - "I am he who foils the omens of wizards and makes fools of diviners, who makes sages recant and shows the nonsense of their knowledge, who confirms the word of my servant and makes the plans of my envoys succeed.  I am he who says of Jerusalem, 'Let her be inhabited', of the towns of Judah, ' Let them be rebuilt', and I will raise their ruins once more.  I am he who says to the oceans, 'Be dry.  I will dry up your rivers.'  I am he who says of Cyrus, 'My shepherd - he will fulfil my whole purpose, saying of Jerusalem, 'Let her be rebuilt', and of the Temple, 'Let your foundation be laid.'"

Scripture Reading Psalm 45:6-7 - "The kingdom that God has given you will last forever and ever.  You rule over your people with justice; you love what is right and hate what is evil.  That is why God, your God, has chosen you and has poured out more happiness on you than on any other king."

I love that reading from Isaiah 44.  It was right on.  Jesus is making a fool of all of this evil, the occult, those that read hands, and those who play ouija boards, and all of that.  It is so beautiful that Jesus is the victor and he's making a fool of them all.

Confirmation - I would like to share something from last week.  When we were praising the Lord in song; there was one song that we sang, I can't remember which one it was, and we repeated the chorus over and over and I just felt as if God's glory was going through the ceiling and touching people in this apartment building and I feel that is confirmation of the words given last week.


Lori Ann spoke on "The Resurrection".  The Resurrection is the pivotal point of our faith. Frank Morrison, author of "Who Moved The Stone", delved deeply into this subject, discovered the truth and became a Christian.  Did Jesus rise from the dead?  Jesus predicted his own death and resurrection.  Isaiah wrote about a future Messiah who would suffer and die for our sins and later be restored to life.  Was Jesus actually dead when placed in the tomb?  Morrison learned that Jesus' death has been considered a fact for nearly 1800 years.  Was Jesus' body stolen?  The tomb was at a well-known location, not in a remote location.  Romans had assigned guards of 4 to 16 people to watch the tomb 24 hours a day.  Were the disciples hallucinating?  Hallucinations are individual occurrences.  Is it just a legend?  Legends don't develop when multiple witnesses are alive to refute them.  Hymns and creeds were recited in early churches within 2 or 3 years of Jesus' crucifixion.  The Gospels were written within 3 decades of the crucifixion.  There was no body.  Did the resurrection really happen?  Each eye witness account reports that Jesus suddenly appeared bodily to the women first.  Conspirators would have portrayed men, not women, as the first to see Jesus alive.  How could they have moved that enormous stone?  The disciples said they saw Jesus on more than 10 separate occasions.  They touched him.  He ate with them.  Later on, he appeared to more than 500 followers.  Morrison reasoned that something extraordinary happened because the followers of Jesus ceased mourning, ceased hiding and began to proclaim fearlessly that they had seen Jesus alive.  These 11 former cowards were suddenly willing to suffer humiliation, torture and death.  All, but one of them, died as a martyr.  Finally, Morrison was bewildered by the fact that a tiny, insignificant movement was able to prevail over the cunning grip of the Jewish establishment, as well as the might of Rome.  If there was no resurrection, Christianity should have died out at the cross.  More books have been written about Jesus than any other person.  C.S. Lewis who once doubted Jesus' existence was also persuaded by the evidence of the resurrection.  John 11:25 - "I am the resurrection and the life; anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die."  Pope St. John Paul II said, "We do not pretend that life is all beauty.  We are aware of darkness and sin, of  poverty and pain.  But we know that Jesus has conquered sin and passed through his own pain to the glory of the resurrection, and we live in the light of his paschal mystery, the mystery of his death and resurrection.  We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song."  Who am I?  I am an Easter people.  Why are we here?  To sing Alleluia and spread the light of Christ.  Where am I going after I die?  To meet my Lord.


Surrender Prayer - "O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!"  Ten times a day for 9 days (Novena).

Scripture Reading Romans 8:31-32 - "If I am for you, then who can be against you?  I did not spare my own Son, but gave him up for you - how will I not also along with him, graciously give you all things."

Scripture Reading Philippians 4:4 - Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again:  Rejoice!"

Maria - "It's been the last two and half weeks where my family all had COVID.  As soon as we find out one person has COVID, they keep saying to me, 'Oh, Mom, be careful.  You're going to get it.'  And the Holy Spirit has put in my heart and he said, 'No.  You're going to cast those kind of negative thoughts out and you're going to say that the Holy Spirit resides in me and COVID has no business in my body.'  So, that's what I've been doing for two and half weeks.  I've been casting out those negative talks, negative thinking and the Holy Spirit has given me the words and he says, 'Just say it's the Holy Spirit inside of me that's not going to accept the COVID.'"   

 Praise Reports

Guillaine - "It's like a miracle what happened today.  My WiFi stopped working last Thursday.  Today it was not working.  How can I not attend the prayer meeting?  At 7:25, my WiFi came back.  I've never seen this miracle in my life?  I didn't touch it, I didn't do anything.  All of a sudden my WiFi came back!  Praise the Lord!  Wow!"

Rosalie - Her son, Craig had COVID and he's doing much better and he's back at work.

Maria -  Her husband and three sons and their families have all recovered from COVID, and Maria's medical issues all look positive.    Thank you, Lord.

David - His son, Jonathon, was frustrated with work and the pay and things, and this week, out of the blue, they gave the entire team a significant raise to deal with all the inflation and everything else.  David said, "So, that we know is not out of the blue, that is 'Lord, thank you for hearing our prayer.'"





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