Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words and Scripture Readings at live stream on August 5 2020

Aug 05, 2020

Prophecy:  I sense that the Lord wants us to spread his word more now than ever, pray for those who do not know him, pray for all those who are not following him.  He needs more harvesters.

Prophecy:  “I will speak to your heart tonight.  Open your heart to listen.”

Scripture Reading Amos 9:13 – “The days are coming now – it is Yahweh who speaks – when harvest will follow directly after ploughing, the treading of grapes soon after sowing, when the mountains will run with new wine and the hills all flow with it.  I mean to restore the fortunes of my people Israel, they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them, plant vineyards and drink their wine, dig gardens and eat their produce.  I will plant them in their own country, never to be rooted up again out of the land I have given them, says Yahweh, your God.”

Confirmation/Vision/Prophecy:  I kept seeing a green pasture.  Then I heard, “My love, gather around my pasture.  Come to me with your burdens for I weep for you.  Know that I am with you and never doubt it.”

Confirmation/Scripture Reading Psalm 34 – “Look to me and be radiant so your faces shall never be ashamed.  The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them.  Fear the Lord, you saints; for those who fear him have no want.  The young lions suffer want and hunger, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”

Scripture Reading Zephaniah 3 – “I have taken away your misfortunes, no longer need you bear the disgrace of it.  I am taking action here and now against your oppressors.  And I will win them praise and renown when I restore their fortunes.  When I restore your fortunes under your own eyes, says Yahweh.”  That’s like when it talks in Joel, when the Lord tells us in his Word that he’s going to restore everything that the evil one has stolen from us and that includes joy, our jobs, and that includes everything that has been stolen from us.

Scripture Reading Romans 8:18-20 – “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.  For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it in hope; but the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” 

Prophecy:  “Why are you weeping?  Why are you weeping?  Why do you doubt?”


Bryan Mercier founder of Catholic Truth – The seven traditional gifts of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2) are given to us to make us holy and to build us up.  They are our weapon against the darkness and help us overcome spiritual obstacles in our life.  The charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12, 14) are given to us to help build up the church, people.  Charismatic gift of FAITH – which is different from saving faith; this is a faith that moves mountains – a heightened grace of the virtue of faith – that you know for 100% fact that you’ll touch this person who is blind and they will see, etc.  PROPHECY – the ability to hear or know what God is speaking to you in order to give it to someone else.  WORD OF WISDOM AND WORD OF KNOWLEDGE – Similar to gift of prophecy.  Usually only a word or two or three.  HEALING/MIRACLES – Gift of Miracles:  seeing when you don’t have any pupils.  TONGUES – when we are able to pray and petition God in a supernatural way, speaking in languages we have never known.  It’s a real gift that actually lifts your spirits and helps you to praise God in a higher sort of way.  INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES – when we have the ability to understand the language and interpret this language.  DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS – you have the ability to know if something is from God or not.  Today, we need dynamite power.  We need the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is going to transform us and this will overflow and transform others.  That is what Christ wants.  Pray for these gifts, desire these gifts, long for them.


Prophecy:  “My children, there are times you feel you are not able, you are not capable of evangelizing.  You feel that there is no way I can use you but that is not true. Just be open to my Spirit, be open to the Holy Spirit speaking in your heart.  You will know it’s from me because it will be words that are positive, words that will build up.  Do not be afraid because I am with you and I will be with you at that time.  Do not be afraid to step out in faith.  Remember, I will be there right beside you.”

Prophecy:  “Open your hearts and listen for I am speaking to your hearts.  I want to give you the gifts to bring people to my kingdom.”

“When the Holy Spirit comes, he will fall on the old and the young and they will dream dreams and they will have visions.”

Scripture Reading Joel 3 – “After this I will pour out my spirit on all humanity.  Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your old people shall dream dreams, and your young people see visions.  Even on the slaves, men and women, I shall pour out my spirit in those days.”

Confirmation of the prophecy regarding opening hearts and listening:  I saw a cloud and it formed almost like a point that went right into the heart.  It was the Holy Spirit coming and speaking to the heart.

Confirmation/Scripture Reading Isaiah 43:18-19 – “No need to recall the past, no need to think about what was done before.  See, I am doing a new deed, even now it comes to light; can you not see it?  Yes, I am making a road in the wilderness, paths in the wilds.”

Prophecy:  “You receive not because you ask not.”  Jesus is so happy when to give us his gifts.

Before I saw the cloud at the start of the tongues, I kept seeing that green pasture again.  What does the green pasture mean in Scripture?

The pasture that you were seeing, I felt very strongly that God was saying it is Psalm 23.  “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.  In verdant pastures, he gives me repose.  Beside restful waters he leads me.  He refreshes my soul.  He guides me in right paths for his names sake.” 

As we were listening to the sharing before the teaching, words of Scripture and things the Lord was saying that he’s going be renewing the church, building up the church again and very often we sit back and say,  “Yes, Lord, go ahead, go and do it.”  But then, he also says that he wants to send laborers into the harvest and that’s where you and I come in.  That’s where these gifts that we were just listening to, come in.  That we ought to desire those gifts and at the same time, to have that desire to go out and use those gifts and bring the other people to the Lord and not saying to the Lord  we have those gifts and just sitting on them but we have to desire to use those gifts for his glory, use those gifts to build up the kingdom, to share with one another what God has done in our life and build up the kingdom and in that way God is using us.

Word of Knowledge:  Someone has a heart defect and the Lord is healing that heart tonight.

Word of Knowledge:  The heart defect could be a broken heart and the Lord is healing the broken heart.

PRAISE REPORT:  Last Thursday, Donna came down with cold symptoms.  On Wednesday, we had talked about praying out loud.  She prayed out loud, asked the Lord that this not be COVID-19, that she be well enough to go to her friend’s funeral.  She was tested and it came back negative.  By Monday, her symptoms were all gone.  She has never had a cold heal that quickly.  Plus, she’s on medication that causes her to have a compromised immune system.  So, she knows that it was the Lord who did that for her.

PRAISE REPORT:  Georgina had a lot of problems with her knees in the last couple of months.  She had a couple of people praying for her last week for “Unbounding” and same day, her knees were completely healed.

August 12 prayer meeting will be live streamed at 7:30 p.m.



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