Scripture Reading Psalm 119 – “Happy those who observe God’s decrees, who seek the Lord with all their heart. How can the young walk without faith, only by keep your words. With all my heart, I seek you. Do not let me stray from your command. In my heart, I treasure your promises that I may not sin against you. Blessed are you, O Lord. Teach me your statutes. With my lips I recite all the edicts you have spoken. I find joy in the way of your decrees, more than in all riches. I will ponder your precepts and consider your paths. In your statutes, I take delight. I will never forget your words.”
Prophecy: “You have said, “Show me the way.” I am the way. Come, follow me. Take my hand and I will lead you in the places that you are to go. Come, follow me and I will be with you always. Never feel abandoned or forsaken, for I will be with you always and that is a promise.”
Word of Knowledge: It’s important that we know his word, that we eat his word. We cannot know Jesus unless we know his word for his word is Jesus. We cannot combat evil without knowing the word. The word is the antidote. Eat his word, memorize his word so that the day comes that you need it, it will automatically come. When you need Jesus beside you, pick up his word and he’ll be there.”
Prophecy: “Quote my word in the Scriptures to others. My word is life and it’s peace. My word is truth for I am truth and life. Quote the Scriptures to others because they need me. A lot of them don’t know that they need me, but as you say to them the truth in the Scriptures, many of them will open their hearts to me. So, quote the Scriptures and my word to others and I will bless you and bless them.”
Fr. Bob Bedard – “Liturgy” on video.
June 5 Teaching “Inner Peace” by Linda.
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