Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings at Live Stream September 21, 2022

Sep 26, 2022

All these songs that you chose tonight spoke to my heart.  It was all handpicked by the Lord tonight for me.

Prophecy - "I handpicked each one of you, my little ones.  Every one of you I chose, myself, to be my very own.  You are my joy.  You are my heart's fullness of joy.  My little ones, you have no idea how much I love you, how beautiful each one of you are.  You are made in my image.  Your heart belongs to me and it reflects my love, my presence.  All who look at you, my little ones, will see me, and I am empowering you with my Spirit with a new outpouring.  My little ones, you have only begun to see me, to know me, and you've only begun to walk in my footsteps.  I am leading you in ways you have never thought of.  I am leading you on new path.  Great will be your ministry, my little ones.  Through you I will bring so many souls for I hear every one of your prayers and I will honor every one of them.  All the angels and Saints are with you tonight.  They are singing my praises along with you.  You are my beloved ones, my chosen ones, and I am well pleased in each one of you.  Blessed are you, my little ones."

Prophecy - "The Lord has been putting on my heart that we are to continue praising.  He wants to be praised all day long.  He says it's an urgency, an urgency to praise him; and to praise him with whatever we have, like with our voices and with tambourines, with horns, like David did, we need to praise him.  It's like the battle is being won; we need to praise him."

Prophecy - "My children, the battle has been won.  But in the midst of the darkness I know, my children, how hard it is to recognize it, to see it.  But tonight, I am giving you the gift of faith.  I'm asking you to open your eyes and your ears that you may see things in a new way.  I am a God of compassion, of love and mercy, and I desire for you to be able to see that the victory is won.  Know, my children, that I have not forgotten any one of you and that I have empowered you with my Holy Spirit, the gift of my Spirit that will assist you with the graces of being able to see."

Scripture Reading Sirach 39:1-4 - "How different the person who devotes himself to the study of the law of the Most High!  He explores the wisdom of the men of old and occupies himself with the prophecies; he treasures the discourses of the famous, and goes to the heart of involved sayings; he studies obscure parables, and is busied with the hidden meanings of the sages.  He is in attendance on the great, and has entrance to the rulers."

Confirmation - Before the meeting, I got from the Lord that he wants more praise and worship from us.

Word of Knowledge - Healing of toes and knees.

Confirmation - The word about angels and saints.  The angels and saints have been very present in my prayer time this week.  There's a strong sense that they're always with us in our prayer time, supporting us; and for us to call on their support and their intercessions in our prayer time.


 We heard the testimony of Mark Lowry, comedian, singer, song writer, preacher.  God is in the interruptions in our lives and Mark had many.  He wrote the words to the song, "Mary, Did You Know?" in 1984; this came from conversations with his mother.  They talked about Jesus all his life and they would ask questions like: Did Jesus ever skin his knee?, what was it like raising God?, etc.   Buddy Green put music to it in 1991.  This song was an answer to Mark's prayer at the age of 11.  Mark asked God for wisdom, an interesting life, and that he would like to do something that would outlive him.  40 years later, he was at Walmart, picked up Natalie Cole's CD and "Mary, Did You Know?" was on it, and Donny Osmond's CD and "Mary, Did You Know?" was on it, and Mark didn't know they recorded it.  The Lord reminded Mark about his prayer and Mark said, "Oh boy, you outdid yourself, didn't you?"  Mark said that the Lord will do that in your life.  Mark calls them little diamonds on your path, a little foretaste of glory divine to let you know what's waiting at the house.  At the end of the talk, we heard a very passionate rendition of "Mary, Did You Know?" by Mark.


Lynn shared about an interruption last Friday.  She went to see a doctor because of a bruise that appeared on her stomach.  As he was examining Lynn, she got a crushing pain in her chest.  Her blood pressure shot through the roof.  Next thing she knew, an ambulance was on its way, took her to the hospital, but she was strangely at peace.  All she had with her was her cell phone, a Rosary and Divine Mercy.  She was sitting in the hallway for a few hours.  She texted her Christian friends and groups, asking for prayer.  At some time, she fell asleep and when she woke up, her blood pressure was down to normal.  At the end of the evening, at 11 o'clock, they said all the tests were normal and there was nothing wrong with Lynn.  When Lynn was going to church on Saturday morning, she read Psalm 56 out loud to her family, and the Lord made it very clear what he had done for her.  Psalm 56 - "O Most High, when I am afraid I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust, I am not afraid. What can flesh do to me?  This I know, that God is for me, in God whose word I praise, in the Lord whose word I praise.  In God I trust.  I am not afraid.  What can a mere mortal do to me?  My vows to you I must perform, O God;  I will render thank offerings for you have delivered my soul from death, and prevented my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living."  When she read that line about "You delivered my soul from death,"  she started bawling.  The emotion was that strong.  God made Lynn know that he healed her; but that was not the reason or the purpose.  God needed Lynn in that hospital and God needed the prayers of all her friends and groups for someone in that hospital.  Perhaps it was for this guy in emergency who was resuscitated two times; they stabilized him, and then he died.  Everything that happens to you, there is a plan, there is a purpose and a reason.  Jesus reminds Lynn every day that he needs us.  He can heal us.  He can create things that you end up where you belong, that you can praise people into life.












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