Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings at Live Stream November 8, 2023

Nov 09, 2023

The following are words given by participants at the streamed meeting.  1 Corinthians 14:29 says that "Two or three prophets should speak, and the others weigh carefully what is said."  1 Thess 5:19-21 tells us not to despise prophecies, but to test everything and retain what is good. 

Scripture Reading at beginning of meeting Romans 12:5, 9-16 - "Brothers and sisters, we, though many, are one Body in Christ and individually parts of one another.  Let love be sincere; hate what is evil, hold on to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor.  Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.  Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.  Contribute to the needs of the holy ones, exercise hospitality.  Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse them.  Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.  have the same regard for one another; do not be haughty but associate with the lowly."

Image of Jesus walking on water.

Jesus walking on the water is telling us is to just have faith; have faith that God will work it all out in his own time.

Confirmation/Scripture Reading 2 Cor 4:7-9 - "Yet we who have this spiritual treasure are like common clay pots, in order to show that the supreme power belongs to God, not to us.  We are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair; there are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and though badly hurt at times, we are not destroyed." 

Vision/Prophecy - I saw this very gold, beautiful; at first it was round, I thought it was like a ball, and then I saw that it was a bowl.  And the sense after that was like in the bowl was our offering; that's how precious our prayers and praises are to the Lord.

Scripture Reading Phil 4:4-7 - "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.  Let your gentle spirit be known to all men.  The Lord is near.  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer  and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Scripture Reading Romans12:17-21 - "Never pay back evil for evil to anyone; respect what is right in the sight of all men.  If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.  Never take your own revenge, beloved; but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."  But if the enemy is hungry, feed him; and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.  Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good."

Scripture Reading John 1:1-5 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.  What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."


Fr. DeGrandis on Jesus Heals Today, Part 3 - Forgiveness Prayer:  "Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for the grace to forgive myself, for my sins, my faults, for all that's bad in myself, what I think is bad; for any delving into superstition, using Ouija boards, reading horoscopes, going to seances, using fortune telling, wearing lucky charms, calling psychics.  I reject all this superstition and accept you alone as my Lord and Savior.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit.  Lord, I forgive myself for the times I've hurt my family, that I've stolen, for my sins against purity.  You have forgiven me today; I forgive myself.  Lord, I forgive my mother and father for the times they hurt me, resented me, were angry with me, punished me, preferred my brothers and sisters to me, told me I was dumb, ugly, stupid, the worst of the children, that I cost the family a lot of money, that I was unwanted, a mistake, an accident, and not what they expected.  I forgive my father for his drinking, arguing, fighting with my mother or the other children.  Lord, I forgive my brothers and sisters who rejected me, lied about me, hated me, competed for my parent's love, physically harmed me, made my life unpleasant.  Lord, I forgive my marriage partner for any lack of love, lack of affection, lack of consideration, lack of support, lack of communication, for faults, failings, those words or acts that hurt and disturbed me.  Lord, I forgive my children for their lack of respect, lack of obedience, lack of love, lack of attention, for their bad habits, falling away from the church or any bad actions that disturbed me.  Lord, I forgive my in-laws, especially my mother-in-law, also my father-in-law, sisters and brothers-in-law, and all relatives by marriage who have hurt me and my family in any way.  And Lord, I especially pray for that one person in life who hurt me the most, the one whom I said I would never forgive, the one who is hardest to forgive, the one you're calling me to forgive.  And Lord, I beg pardon of all these people, especially my mother and father, for the hurts that I have inflicted on them and I thank you, Lord, for all your love, all your healing that has come to me through them.  Amen."  Fr. DeGrandis said that if we prayed that prayer for 30 days, our life would be significantly changed.  Anger settles in our face and as we forgive the muscles in the face begin to relax and we look better -- spiritual oil of Olay.  People with low trust levels have difficulty believing in God's healing.  Fr. DeGrandis had a hard time believing.  It took him two years to get over that.  Prayers by a community, prayers of the faithful are powerful.  200 people at a gathering with hands extended are like 200 volts of Jesus.  It's like spiritual laser beams. The more specific the prayer, the more powerful it is.  You can never pray too much.  If you find pain coming back, Fr. DeGrandis urges us to pray the Forgiveness Prayer, daily if need be. There is instantaneous healing and there is a slow type of healing; it can take time.  There is also healing through the Mass.

Praise Reports

Further to last week's testimony of Mark's healing, he said that he had prayed that the increase to 5 mg of LBN would work, and it's working.  He also has decreased his prednisone further and there is no pain.  Coming off the prednisone, he should be in rough shape.  He's had 2 days where he's walking around like he's 20 years old.  Mark said that God heals through medication because he prayed to God, if it's his will, that the medication would work effectively.  Mark said that all good blessings come from the Lord!  It's working!

Martha said that last week some people prayed for her online and she's much better.  She has also been praying the Spiritual Warfare prayer, a powerful prayer.  Things are still not O.K., but they are much better.  Thank you, Lord.

Georgina had a praise report.  Her sister had chemotherapy for her lung cancer.  She had tests and all the tests came clear.  Thank you, Lord!

Charleen shared a word that she heard at the beginning of macular degeneration episode.  The Lord said, "Why would I give you a scorpion when you ask for an egg?"  She had asked him to preserve her vision.  She's gone from not being able to see hardly anything at all; now she can almost read.  She could see all of us clearly.  She knows that her prayer group is praying constantly; and the online group's prayers as well.  Charleen said that our God is not a liar.  He listens to us; he wants us well, and if you ask him, he will answer.  She is 7 months in and her eye is still changing in tiny, tiny increments, but monthly.  Every month she notices a new difference.  She encouraged us to have faith and believe him.  Dr. Gimbel, an eye surgeon in Calgary has incredible faith.  He said, "If you ask God, he will do it."  Charleen agrees because she has seen many answers to prayer through her prayer group.

 Patricia has a lot of pain due to sciatica down her right leg.  Yesterday, she had so much pain that she had to leave the shopping centre.  She prayed and she stood on the Word, "By his stripes, I am healed."  Today, she got up and there has been no pain.  She praised the Lord for that.



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