Prayer Meetings are live streaming every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT

Prophetic Words & Scripture Readings at Live Stream February 9, 2022

Feb 10, 2022

Words of Knowledge - The Lord will find a job for someone.  He will heal someone of a lump in the throat. He will heal someone of severe headaches.  The Lord wants us to trust in him completely.  Proverbs 3:5 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Never rely on your own understanding."

Vision/Prophecy - During the praising, I saw the Lord coming like he did on a pony in Jerusalem when there was lots of celebration.  Then I saw this light.  It looked like a sun over the city and then came a white cloud that also came over the land.  I could feel this inner strength and I was given the sense that after the Holy Spirit it's like the structure of a seed and it can grow, like in the Scriptures it can grow.  That's what it's like when the word of God gets planted as a seed in you and it just grows.  It becomes like your root(?). 

Prophecy - "Be steadfast, my children.  Remember my promises.  Remember my truth that I have faith in you.  Praise me in all things.  When fear descends on you, praise me and fear will have to leave.  Eat my word, live my word, sleep my word."

Scripture Reading Psalm 18:1-3 - "I love you, Lord, my strength.  The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies."

Scripture Reading Psalm 94:12-15 - "Lord, how happy are those you instruct, the ones to whom you teach your law!  You give them rest from days of trouble until a pit is dug to trap the wicked.  The Lord will not abandon his people; he will not desert those who belong to him.  Justice will again be found in the courts, and all righteous people will support it."

Scripture Reading Jeremiah 9:1-5 - "Would that I had in the desert a travelers' lodge!  That I might leave my people and depart from them.  They are all adulterers, a faithless band.  They ready their tongues like a drawn bow; with lying, and not with truth, they hold forth in the land.  They go from evil to evil, but me they know not, says the Lord.  Be on your guard, everyone against his neighbor; put no trust in any brother.  Every brother apes Jacob, the supplanter, every friend is guilty of slander.  Each one deceives the other, no one speaks the truth.  They have accustomed their tongues to lying, and are perverse, and cannot repent.  Violence upon violence, deceit upon deceit:  They refuse to recognize me, says the Lord." ......  (I wish that the two Psalm readings had come after mine.)

Scripture Reading Sirach 5:28/Confirmation - "Even to the death, fight for truth and the Lord, your God, will battle for you."

Prophecy - "My children, right now, there is a dark cloud hanging over your heads.  There is a dark cloud penetrating this world but I am the victor.  My light will shine through this darkness.  My light will penetrate through the evil of slander, of disobedience.  And my light will hang over your city.  That light is my Spirit, my Holy Spirit.  My Holy Spirit has now replaced the darkness of the night.  My Holy Spirit reigns in you, my children, in living in you that I count on to open your hearts up to receive the gifts that I have given you, the gifts of Confirmation, the gifts of ? the Holy Spirit.  These manifestation gifts and these gifts of the Holy Spirit that you've received through Baptism and Confirmation are the tools that you will need to fight the evil that is around you.  Do not underestimate the power.  The power is there because I have allowed my Son to die on the cross to carry the sins of the world, that evil, sin, and the world's darkness; can be victorious.  My Son is victorious over that.   Believe, my children, do not doubt.  Trust in the gifts that I have given you, that they are the one that is going to save you and they are the one that is going to save this world."

Prophecy - I keep hearing about these enemies.  The enemy is the Corona virus, sickness, lack.  Everything that we pray against, that's the enemy, that's what the word is that the Lord is fighting for us.  It's not a human thing that we're fighting against.  It's all these things we're praying against.  And the Lord says, "Tell my people who the enemy is.  And the enemy is lack, sickness, doubt, fear."

Prophecy - While we were praising and worshipping and singing, "On Holy Ground", I felt the Father say, "Tell my people my angels are ready and willing to be deployed for whatever they need from them.  I want them to work alongside my people to reach the lost, especially in these dark days.  Yes, my people, my angels need you to release them, to prepare the way.  So, use them."   ....  I believe these were warrior angels; that they're prepared to fight alongside us.  

Prophecy - "My people, it is crucial that you keep your eyes focused on me and me alone.  Yes, darkness is all around you.  But this is only the beginning.  I have allowed all of this so that you might be prepared.  For the enemy has gathered many forces.  He is using many people to lead you astray.  It is crucial; keep your eyes focused on me and me alone.  I am the only Way, the only Truth, the only Life.  Practice.  This has been a practice round to prepare you for what is coming.  But rest assured, yes, my angels are gathered all around.  And St. Michael is at the head.  Do not worry.  Be steadfast.  Follow my lead.  I have revealed myself to each one of you.  You know me.  Do not allow the enemy to make you look to the left or to the right.  Stay focused and follow me.  I love you, my little ones, and remember what I have chosen, each one of you, and I have given you the power of my Spirit.  Together, we will get to the destination.  Together, we will be victorious and together, we will bring many, many with us.  I bless you, my little ones, and I keep you always so close to my heart."

A message from Joan - This past week I have been very aware of the image received last week by someone about the waterfall and our Blessed Mother around and over it.  I saw the waterfall as Grace being poured out and Our Lady's presence as the Mediatrix of Grace.  Each time I felt stressed.....and there seemed to be a lot of stresses this past week!  I imagined myself standing under the waterfall....of grace....and guess what?  I immediately felt renewed and peaceful!  The stress was gone!

I feel that the Holy Spirit is revealing to us today that there is a time of purification and he's calling each one of us to surrender ourselves to purifying grace, the graced that was just talked about.  So that we can become strong instruments, warriors, along with those angels.



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