At beginning of meeting, 1 Corinthians 2:9 - "No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no one's heart has imagined all the things that God has prepared for those who love him."
Scripture Reading Luke 10:1-2/prayer/prophecy - "After this, the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. He said to them, "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Go on your way;" .... Lord Jesus, I believe you are calling us to go out and spread the Good News. Give us the grace to answer your call. ... "My people, I am calling you. I'm pleading with you, my little ones, go, go to my people, announce the Good News. Do not worry about what you are to say or what you are to do. My Spirit is upon you. You have only to follow his lead and obedience. Do not be afraid. Share all that I have given you. Use all the gifts and they are abundant, my little ones. Use them all. Share my word, my love, my blessing. Go, my people, go where I send you."
Scripture Reading Psalm 108:1-4 - "I have complete confidence, O God. I will sing and praise you. Wake up my soul, wake up my harp and lyre. I will wake up the sun. I will thank you, O Lord, among the nations. I will praise you among the peoples. Your constant love reaches above the heavens, your faithfulness touches the skies."
Psalm 66 - "Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth; sing praise to the glory of his name. Proclaim his glorious praise. Say to God: "How tremendous are your deeds! For your great strength your enemies fawn upon you. Let all earth worship and sing praise to you, sing praise to your name."
Psalm 117 entitled Summons to Praise - "Praise Yahweh, all nations! Extol him, all you peoples! For his love is strong, his faithfulness eternal."
Scripture Reading Daniel 10:20-21, entitled The Prelude to the Prophecy - "He said then, 'Do you know why I have come to you? It is to tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. I must go back to fight against the prince of Persia: when I have done with him, the prince of Javan will come next. In all this there is no one to lend me support except Michael your prince, on whom I rely to give me support and reinforce me. And now I will tell you the truth about these things." It certainly is talking about St. Michael and the two forces that are to be fought against.
Prophecy - "My childen, there are many who do not believe that I exist. There are many who take me for granted. There are many who do not recognize me in their lives. Tonight, my children, I want you to know that I exist within the inner depth of your being. My Spirit lives within you, the Spirit of my Son, Jesus. He died for you. He died that you may know God to its fullness, that fullness of love. Do you not know, my children, that you stand on Holy ground every time you come to me in prayer? Do you not know, my children, the power of my love that reigns within you, to be able to speak my word, to hear my word, to be my hands, to be my feet, to be able to spite against the evils of this world, against the temptations of the devil that is forever tempting into one of my people, to turn them away from me? The power of my love has the power to defeat evil. The power of my love has the power to transform what is not of God, what is not of me, into fullness of life, into goodness, into wholeness and holiness. And I need you, my children, to believe in this truth, to believe in my Son, Jesus, who died and is resurrected and is sitting at my right side whom you celebrate every time the Mass is celebrated on the altar. I need for you, my children, to know that I am there and that is my gift to you. Do not reject this gift. Do not take it for granted but receive it with outmost reverance, receive it with outmost faith and trust that I am going to bring healing, that I am going to give you strength and courage in the midst of your daily challenges and trials. You are my beloved children and all I desire for you is good. Pass on this truth. Pass on this message. Let my people know that I love them."
Scripture Reading Micah 6:8 - "What is good has been explained to you, man; this is what Yahweh asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God."
Scripture Readings Romans 3:25-28, Romans 5:1-2 - "whom God put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith. He did this to show his righteousness because in his divine forbearance he had passed over the sins previously committed. It was to prove at the present time, that he, himself, is righteous and he justifies the one who has faith in Jesus. Then what becomes of boasting? It is excluded. By what law? By that of works? No, but by the law of faith. For we hold that a person is justified by faith apart from works prescribed by the law." "Therefore, since we afre justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in the hope of sharing the glory of God."
Confirmation/Scripture Reading Psalm 119:105, entitled In Praise of the Divine Law - "Now your word is a lamp to my feet, a light on my path."
Scripture Reading Hebrews 4:12 - "The word of God is living and active. It probes the thought and motives of our heart."
Word of Wisdom - During the time of worship, I received the understanding that as we move really close to Jesus, as we allow him to embrace us that alot of things that bother us and we find difficult to change will be changed.
Joe & Joan shared about their mission trip to India in 1999. They had come to know Fr. Peter who had come to Ottawa from India a number of times. He wanted his people to come alive like the people at St. Mary's Parish (Joe and Joan's parish) and he invited Joe and Joan to come to India and put on Life in the Spirit Seminars. Joe was excited but Joan was not. She was worried about eating spicy food every day and she was concerned about the facilities. She said to Joe, "You go and I'll stay home and pray." But Joe said that they either go as a team or not go at all. Before leaving for India, Fr. Peter came over for lunch and he looked across the table at Joan and said, "Will you come to India and give Life in the Spirit to my parishioners?" When Joan looked into his face, she saw the face of Jesus. How could she refuse? When they arrived in Mumbai, Joe read a headline in their paper, "Persecution of Christians in Gujarat". Anand, Gujarat was their destination and Joe wondered what they were getting into. The Scripture passage that came to Joe the next morning was Isaiah 43:1-3 - "Do not be afraid; I have called you by name: you are mine. You are precious in my eyes and I love you. Do not be afraid." Two days before leaving Ottawa, all of a sudden, Joan had pain in one of her teeth. There was no time to go to a dentist. When they arrived in India, she asked Fr. Peter and Joe to pray over her for her tooth. The tooth did not bother her until a month after being back home. She needed a root canal. The premises where they stayed were beautiful and the food did not bother Joan at all. Before leaving Ottawa, Fr. Francis Frankovich and Fr. Joseph Kane gave them two words of advice: 1) You can be sure that you will encounter interference when you're giving your talks. When you encounter that interference, take authority in the name of Jesus and bind the spirits so that you are free to give your message out. 2) Your talks might be very good and the content might be very good, but what is more important is you display love to the people and speak in love. There was interference. Just before one of Joan's talks, someone erected a huge megaphone near the compound and were shouting, etc., that Joan thought, "No one is going to hear me." So, Joe walked around the compound and bound the spirits, etc., and just before Joan spoke, the noise stopped. Then another time, three men came to Joan and said that they understood everything that Joe said but they didn't understand Joan's accent. They said that she should speak more slowly and repeat her sentences. How could she do this? She became agitated and left for a walk. As she was leaving, women came up to her and said that they understood everything she said. She went to Fr. Peter and Joe and they prayed over her, took authority in the name of Jesus. When the evening was over, these three men came over and said that they understood every word that Joan said. When they were to pray for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, Joan expected signs and wonders, slain in the Spirit, etc. But no, it was like there was a blanket of peace. It was beautiful. God knows what the people need. Joe and Joan gave two Life in the Spirit Seminars on weekends, prayed with people, discerned that they should also speak on forgiveness and inner healing, trained the people as much as they could, gave them printed material. Joe and Joan learned alot from this trip. When God asks us to do something, he equips us, he blesses us, he protects us, he provides for us. And it's only when we say yes to him, that he is able to work in us, through us and bless us in so many beautiful ways. In 2004, Joe and Joan had a special occasion to attend in Goa, India. Since they were in India they wanted to see the people who had taken the Life in the Spirit Seminars. Fr. Peter arranged an evening where they shared how the Spirit had been active in their lives in the five years and all they had done. They reminded Joe of the North American TV evangelists. They were that good.
Seven and half years ago, Patt and her husband were on holidays in Rome. One day, her husband suggested they fly to Medjugorje because of Patt's interest in it. They went directly to one of the hills that people climb because they didn't want to lose the daylight. When Patt saw the stones on the path to climb up, she didn't think she could do it. Her husband said that he would pull her up. When she got to the top, she sat down and she saw the miracle. She was absolutely utterly amazed. She saw the Eucharist on top of the sun. It was three-dimentional. It was sticking out and there was a little bit of the sun peaking all around. It was stable. It didn't move at all and there were colours swirling around. The only colours Patt could definitely say were orange, red and pink. Words can't describe it. Her adrenaline was really pumping. They got back to the hotel but it was too early for the evening meal. Patt was really pumped so she went to Mass. Her husband stayed at the hotel to rest. During Mass, the adrenaline was gone. She was tired, hungry and weak. When she came out of Mass, she went down to the village street and she couldn't see the hotel. It was dark. She was lost. She did not know the name of her hotel. Her prayer, "Jesus, help." She always said when you want to ask directions, you don't ask an old man, a woman or a young person for different reasons Patt gave. It's got to be a male, 30 to 35 years old. One person was coming toward her in the dark, male, 30 to 35 years old. She told him her story. He said, "Do you mean the new hotel?" How did he know to say that? Yes, so new, that when Patt asked for the hotel business card, they did not have them ready. Patt believes the Scripture passage that fits what happened to her is Hebrews 13:2 - "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
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