At start of meeting, Scripture Reading Psalm 125:1-2 - "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which can never be shaken, never be moved. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, now and forever."
Scripture Reading Psalm 71:14-19 - "I promise you that, ever hopeful, I will praise you more and more, my lips shall proclaim your righteousness and power to save, all day long. I will come in the power of Yahweh to commemorate your righteousness, yours alone. God, you taught me when I was young, and I am still proclaiming your marvels. Now that I am old and grey, God, do not desert me; let me live to tell the rising generation about your strength and power, about your heavenly righteousness, God. You have done great things; who, God, is comparable to you?"
Confirmation - I received the words that he wants us to praise him. He wants us to glorify him. He wants us to see him, how he is in majesty. He asks us to praise him all the time, like morning, noon and night. Do not cease to praise him, he said.
Vision/Confirmation - I had an image of trees reaching up to praise the Lord and I know that there are scriptures and songs about the righteous being symbolized by trees.
Scripture Reading Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; in all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths."
Confirmation/Scripture Reading Psalm 118:19-21 - "Open to me the gates of justice, I will enter them and give thanks to the Lord. This gate is the Lord's, the just shall enter it. I will give thanks to you for you have answered me and have been my saviour."
Confirmation/Scripture Reading Proverbs 27:7 - I have the same message from the beginning about praising God and we can't be angry when we are praising God, so we should continue praising him. "A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet." So we should keep on being hungry for the Lord.
Prophecy - I feel the Lord is, he is almost shouting out, "Why are you being silent? Why are you not speaking out? Why are you not sharing what I have put in your hearts? So many of you, I have spoken to. Share what I have given you. Share what I have done for you. Share how my word saved you and brought you joy and peace. My little ones, I have given you my gifts. Use them. Do not hold them back. Do not be silent."
Confirmation/Prophecy - "Why are you not praising me? Why are you not using your voice? Why are you not believing me? Why do you feel that I have not given you the gifts? You have the gifts. Stop listening to the voice that tells you that you don't have any gifts. Open your mouth and see how your words that are put there by me will bless your sisters and brothers."
Vision/Prophecy - I see Jesus going and he's almost kneeling before so many of you here tonight. The Lord is on his knee, on one knee in front of you, "Please, please use the gift that I have given you. Please give my word. Please share the vision. Share the thought that I have put in your head. Speak and I promise you, I will speak through you. It is my word. It is my vision. It is my thought. Do not be afraid."
Word of Knowledge - The word is coming out strong to speak what's in your mind and in your heart and not to hold yourself back. I guess sometimesI hold back because I'm not sure whether it's me or whether it's the Lord. Having heard what I just heard, I had a feeling that there was someone who was feeling really low in their spirits and that the Lord just wanted them to know that he is there with that person and feel assured that he has not abandoned that person.
Scripture Reading Psalm 72:12-15 - "He will free the poor man who calls to him, and those who need help, he will have pity on the poor and feeble, and save the lives of those in need; he will redeem their lives from exploitation and outrage, their lives will be precious in his sight. Long may he live, may gold from Sheba be given him! Prayer will be offered for him constantly, blessings invoked on him all day long."
Prophecy in tongues
Prophecy - "I am the God of mercy and steadfast love. I stand here eagerly to hear your prayers, my people, and I will come speedily to answer you in your ? need."
Interpretation of tongues - I felt that the Lord was saying over and over again, during that word in tongues, "My word is truth. My word is truth. My word is truth."
Prophecy - The thought that came into my head, it seems to all related, what's been shared. "Seek the Lord and he will be found. Constantly seek his presence."
Prophecy - I have a sense that goes back to what was prophesied earlier about, "move, do something, act." I was thinking when the Lord would heal people, he would tell them, "Stand up and walk." Or something like that to the cripple. And if they didn't stand up, then they wouldn't be able to walk. When we sing, "We lift our hands to you." What do we do? We sit there without raising our hands. We say, "We lift our voices to you," but are we singing out? We say these things, but do we follow through with them? I think our Lord is telling us that we have to do what you say you're doing and he will break those barriers so that we can act in his name more freely.
Prophecy - I feel the Lord is urging someone, at least one more person that has a message, has something to share . This person is saying, "Me, Lord? Really? Is this really?" The Lord says, "Yes, yes, it's from me and yes, I'm calling you to use that gift. Speak out. Do not be afraid. Don't hold it back." Just like it was just said, unless you act on it, you will never know. So, just be brave, be courageous. Trust that the Lord will use you and develop your gifts. You can't develop more gifts if you don't use them.
Confirmation - I want to confirm the very first psalm (Psalm 71) that was read, that says, "Do not abandon us with our grey hairs, so we may live, we may pass on your word to the coming generation." Something was actually on my mind before tonight, something I was thinking about yesterday and as soon as I heard tonight, it was like a confirmation both ways, for me and for everyone else - for us to continue on as we age, not to give up, for the coming generations to have the same opportunity that we have, to share God's word and to praise him and honor him in all ways that we've learned, and to teach it and to pass it on, to pass it forward.
Fr. Dave spoke on "Forgiveness." In the poem, The Outlaw, the angels are amazed that God would be so generous and so merciful that he would count the pleading of a dog on this outlaw's behalf. God wants to forgive us. He's that kind of God. The first thing Jesus does after his resurrection is give us the Sacrament of Confession. He says to the apostles, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive, are forgiven. Whose sins you retain, are retained." Sometimes, it's hard to forgive. We need God's help to forgive. Fr. Dave told us about the time he had a hard time forgiving someone who hit his vehicle and ran. The person was drunk, didn't have a licence to drive, etc. A spiritual director gave Fr. Dave a simple prayer to say every time he thought of that person, "Bless him, change me." Fr. Dave's first reaction was, "WHAT!" The spiritual director said that when you ask God to bless someone, God doesn't bless evil. He doesn't reward evil. God's blessing is corrective. The bible says the Father prunes those he loves. So, God's blessing coming in that man's life would not allow him to continue to drive drunk without a licence. God's blessing would put him on a path of sobriety. The spiritual director said, "Dave, you need to love your enemies like Jesus does. You need to change." It took Fr. Dave about 3 months for all that poison and anger to leak out. God wants all of us not only to stand before him but to come in love and live with him.
About 8 months ago, Maria started to pray for a teacher's son who had Crohn's disease. Two days ago, the teacher told Maria that she had forgotten to get his medication and he went without medication for three weeks and he's had zero problems with his stomach, no flare-ups, nothing. She asked Maria not to stop praying. Since this time, Maria has also asked her to have this checked out with a doctor.
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